38 results total, viewing 21 - 38
Florida News & Notes

Video Game Industry Helps Florida Flourish

(NAPSI)—The Sunshine State is in the spotlight for its economic impact from the video game industry.  Statistics Suggest Bright Future A new study by Entertainment Software Association … more
Newsworthy Trends

Video Games Boost U.S. Economy By Billions Top 10 States Ranked By Total Video Game Industry-Related Economic Effect

(NAPSI)—The next time you, your friends and family play video games, you’ll do more than have fun. You’ll help improve global science and art and the American economy at the same time.  … more
Pets & People

From the Creator & Star of CHEATERS, Tommy Habeeb, “To The Rescue”: Saved Dogs and Their Grateful Families, Airs Weekly on Saturdays

(NAPSI)—The heartwarming stories of abandoned dogs and the grateful families who save them are documented in the half-hour weekly syndicated docu-series “To The Rescue.” Airing nationwide, the … more
Booktrib's BookBites

Changing History; Fractured Europe; Fractured Families; Coming Of Age In The Deep South

“Time Is Irreverent” by Marty Essen (NAPSI)—What if you could change history and eliminate the Spanish Inquisition, American slavery, World War II, global warming, and an egomaniacal … more
Booktrib's BookBites

Four More Great Reads to Get You Through April Showers

(NAPS)—Thirty-five-year-old Delia Mulcahy was raised in a modern-day castle on Fifth Avenue until the Great Family Financial Disaster of 1986. While biding her time in Florida paying off student debt, Delia discovers the inevitability of a looming crash and how to make millions off of it. more

Seven Myths You May Mistakenly Believe About Long-Term Care

(NAPSI)—As you develop your retirement plans and think about how a potential need for long-term care may impact those plans and your loved ones, certain misconceptions may prevent you from taking … more

Prepare Your Home For The Rough Weather Ahead

(NAPSI)—There have been more than 80 extreme weather events in the United States that caused at least $1 billion each in damage since 2011, according to data from the National Oceanic and … more

Prepare Your Home For The Rough Weather Ahead

(NAPSI)—There have been more than 80 extreme weather events in the United States that caused at least $1 billion each in damage since 2011, according to data from the National Oceanic and … more
Alerta Sobre La Salud

Qué hacer con la influenza

(NAPSM)—Llegó el nivel más alto de la temporada de la influenza, también conocida como la gripe, y aunque afortunadamente no estamos experimentando la epidemia del … more

Don't Let Mother Nature Sidetrack Your Health: Five Ways To Prioritize Your Family's Physical And Mental Well-Being In Hurricane Season

(NAPSI)—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts an average hurricane season this year, but as history has shown, the worst hurricanes are often unexpected. Last year, the … more
Hints For Homeowners

Put Your Home To Work This Winter

(NAPSI)—Here’s an idea many homeowners may warm to: Rent out your place as a vacation home. With vacation rentals becoming a preferred choice for travelers and their families, … more
Smart Snacking

Olives: A Good-For-You, On-The-Go Snack

(NAPSI)—Among the tastiest and most versatile fruits on Earth, olives are enjoyed by many cultures around the world. They have been in existence for 8,000 years, and while olives are not … more
Water Facts & Figures

Floods Can Affect Your Well Water’s Well-Being

(NAPSI)—For over a million families, farmers and business owners, seeing floodwaters receding may just be the beginning of their troubles—but it doesn’t have to be. The … more
Health Awareness

What To Do About The Flu

(NAPSI)—It’s the peak of flu season, and while fortunately we are not experiencing the epidemic of last year, millions are still suffering from the flu this year. Although common, the flu … more
Travel News & Notes

The Florida Keys Deliver Experiences Unlike Anywhere Else

(NAPSI)—The most significant worldwide travel trend today is individuals’ desire for experiential travel. Gone is the era of ticking destinations off a “bucket list”; … more
Travel News & Notes

Explore America With HomeExchange

(NAPSI)—In a country as diverse and wide reaching as the United States, it is no wonder that some of HomeExchange's most-viewed homes are located there. From top-of-the-line access in New York … more
Hints For Homeowners

Storms And Flooding Require A Fast, Effective Mold And Odor Solution

(NAPSI)—Storms and flooding are resulting in widespread occurrences of mold, mildew and associated foul odors. The CDC and FEMA both advise the need to treat flooded structures as soon as possible … more
Health And Well-Being

Make Your Health Part Of Your Hurricane Prep Plan

(NAPSI)—The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts there may be an above average hurricane season this year. Across the state, many will stock batteries, flashlights and … more
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