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Alerta sobre la salud

Usted puede estar en riesgo de tener una enfermedad del hígado sin saberlo. Se calcula que la enfermedad del hígado graso afecta de ochenta a cien millones de estadounidenses y dado que casi no … more

Internet and Education

During school season, a seamless and affordable online experience is critical for many as several family members at once need to get onto the Interent for work, studying and fun. Such heavy Internet … more

Learning To Save Lives

For most people, a college education can lead to a better life—but for students at a unique institution, it can lead to saving lives. At Texas State Technical College, the Emergency Medical … more

Pointers For Parents

If a recent graduate is someone you care for, think about this: Young adults are the least likely to have health insurance, yet one unexpected accident or illness could have long-lasting financial … more

Travel Trends

A recent trend in travel is taking many people far—and you can be among them. The way to go today is with the help of a s ubscription travel club. At one, Travel and Leisure GO, members can save up … more

Career Opportunities

If you need a job or are looking for a new career adventure, come to Representative Adriano Espaillat’s [ess-pii-YAT] annual Summer Career Fair, Saturday, June tenth, at B-M-C-C-CUNY. Job seekers, … more

Contest Corner

The newest and most exciting voices of science fiction and fantasy have been found by the L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers and Illustrators Of The Future contest. The contests are open to all amateur … more

Hints For Homeowners

Swindlers can scam homeowners with phony air-duct cleaning schemes—but you can protect yourself. It helps to beware of “blow-and-go” scams. Companies offer bargain-basement prices, then do an … more

Eye On Health

An ophthalmologist can help you keep an eye on your health. In fact, this physician who specializes in medical and surgical eye care may be the first to detect your risk for heart attack, stroke or … more

Balanced Wealth

Living richly may be easier to achieve than you think, according to a new book: The Balanced Wealth Approach: Secrets to Living Long and Living Rich by Thomas Hine. Healthcare and wealth care go … more

Allergy Avoidance

Ah, Spring: Flowers in bloom, birds on the wing—and itchy eyes, runny noses, sneezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing for the more than sixty million Americans with asthma or allergies. Even … more

Health News

A new Genesight (JEAN-sight) mental health monitor from Myriad Genetics has found eighty-three percent of primary care clinicians wish more patients would share mental health concerns. Doing so would … more


Are you juggling financial priorities and looking for ways to save for retirement? There could be good news to make it a little easier. The I-R-S Saver’s Credit could help you cut your federal … more

Your Yard

Here are hints on how to stay safe when getting lawn mowers, blowers, pruners, chainsaws, power washers and other outdoor power equipment out of storage: The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, an … more

Protecting America from Predatory Pornography

Research suggests some forty million Americans visit pornography sites regularly. While watching consenting adults is perfectly legal, there are aspects of the porn industry that can be problematic. … more

Healthy Living

Poor quality indoor air, the E-P-A reports, can increase the risk of asthma, respiratory problems, cancer and heart disease—but you don’t have to put up with it. Here’s how to improve your … more

Technology In Our Lives

Five-G Home Internet is all the rage today. But can it power your home? The truth is that factors like competition with 5G mobile users and signal obstructions caused by weather, trees and buildings … more

A Financially Healthier You This New Year

As a recent study discovered, seventy-two percent of people experience money-related stress—but you don’t have to. Starting with the new year, you can improve your overall financial health by … more

Holiday Safety

This season, celebrate safely. To help make sure your holidays don’t go from merry to scary, remember to water your Christmas tree daily to keep it fresh and safe. Real trees can dry up and turn … more

Holiday Decorating

This season, celebrate safely. To help make sure your holidays don’t go from merry to scary, keep decorations at least three feet away from heat sources, especially those with an open flame, like … more
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