Did You Know?


(NAPSA)—“We come from all backgrounds and life experiences, but we’re all part of this extraordinary fire service family,” said Steve Hirsch, chair of the National Volunteer Fire Council. “I strongly encourage anyone looking for a way make a difference to consider joining.” Learn more at www.MakeMeAFirefighter.org

Recent research reveals gift card programs can help small business owners make more money, attract more customers, and drive repeat business to their stores. For further facts on gift cards, visit www.firstdata.com/giftcards

Kevin Tumlinson has penned the eighth thriller in his Dan Kotler series. “The Spanish Papers” is a history and mystery that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s available at https://amzn.to/2OYFmDc. For more great reading ideas, visit BookTrib.com and subscribe to the weekly newsletter.

More than 20 Work Incentives are designed to help individuals who receive Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income due to a disability, transition to the workplace without immediately losing those benefits. Learn more at the Ticket to Work Help Line, 1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY). Or visit www.choosework.ssa.gov

American consumers interested in saving money on their utility bills can look for the blue ENERGY STAR label to identify products—in categories such as electronics, appliances, smart thermostats, and lighting—that have been independently certified to use less energy. Learn more at www.energystar.gov/SaveForGood