Extend your reach

Multimedia channels to power your messaging

Increase your success with more media


We distribute to 10,000+ newspapers, including online and print editions, 15,000+ blogs and other online publications. Expected results are 100 to 400+ known placements in print, average readership of 25 million, and 1,000 online, average of 75 million+ unique visitors per month.

Spanish language

We distribute in Spanish to 700+ newspapers, including online and print editions, 500+ radio stations and 85 TV stations nationwide. Expected results are 10 to 25+ print placements and 500+ online.


We distribute to 6,500+ radio stations. Expected results are 300 to 400+ known on-air placements for each Radio Feature Release (RFR). Each 30 or 60 second spot could get up to 65 million+ listeners as part of our Radio Roundup program or aired as individual segments.


We distribute African-American versions to 500 + newspapers, including online and print editions, 350+ radio stations, 75+ TV stations nationwide. Expected results are 10 to 25+ in print.


We distribute to 1,000+ TV stations nationwide. Expected results for each 30 to 60 second Video Feature Release (VFR) are 100 to 150+ known on-air placements, reaching up to 60 million+ viewers, as part of our Consumer Science News & Notes (CSNN) program, or as individual segments.

Regional Distributions

We can target geographically by state and we could project expected results based on how many media outlets in those states. Generally it is more cost effective to do a national distribution, with a note to editors or broadcasters specifying the region.

Why community news outlets are ideal

Deeper Market Penetration

We cover not only the top tier media but also actively pitch contacts at second and third tier media, all supported by local advertising. We are constantly doing test mailings to be sure we are not missing anyone.


Most wealthy suburbanites pay attention to community news to keep track of local news such as sports, politics, schools, entertainment, taxes, shopping and more. Merchants, politicians, movers and shakers, seniors, women and others read and share.

Reach Wealthy Suburbanites

Two thirds of Americans live in the suburbs and tend to be wealthier and more educated. Two thirds of Americans subscribe to a community news publication delivered to their homes.


Weekly community news has a greater chance of being read because of a longer shelf life and fewer pages. Local advertisers support these publications, as those result in high volumes of phone calls, emails, web hits, traffic in showrooms and sales.

Return On Investment

The cost of advertising in these publications, which tend to exist in the wealthiest and most populous communities, would be far greater by multiple times, than using our service to get the equivalent ad space.

Tap Into New Markets

After covering major media outlets, you can extend your reach to millions of additional readers, listeners and viewers nationwide by covering thousands of additional media in wealthy bedroom communities of major metropolitan areas.

Supplement your results in new markets

Repurpose Existing Content

Get more mileage out of the content you have worked so hard to create by expanding your distribution to cover, not only major media outlets, but also thousands of community news outlets nationwide.

Not Everyone Reads Major Dailies

The New York Times has a circulation of about 1.8 million. The population of New York is way greater and you can do a better, more thorough job by covering another 600+ community news outlets in the tri-state area.

Heavy Up In Target Markets

Most people don't read every page of a major daily every day so they may miss reading your article there but you can get them to see it in a community news outlet which is usually read in its entirety.

Media Events

Our Media Relations team attends multiple media events throughout the year, renewing and strengthening relationships and building new ones by following the high turnover of editors from one publication to another.  Learn More.


Your message will be reinforced, with greater credibility, if it appears in more than one trusted news source.

Editors Need Features To Fill Sections

Most small publications are low on staff, struggling to meet deadlines, and need stories to run as-is, as we conveniently provide. Grateful editors send links to our stories or envelopes filled with clips.

Get more results by doing more

Infographics and Listicles

Tell your story with a few words and attractive images for immediate cognition and high impact. Expected results are the same as for online/print releases. Links to over 200 social media sites and RSS feeds by subject and postings on our social media sites will be included. Learn More


We have the most comprehensive service with a variety of formats to reach media outlets and bloggers, including posting to our owned site with RSS feeds by subject, XML feeds, HTML, e-mails, Twitter feeds, social media, blogs, CD's, camera-ready copy in 2 column-widths, iTunes podcasts and tapes.

Tweetable Quotes

For instant tweeting of specific quotes or short, catchy messages, you can add a CLICK TO TWEET link within your article to garner more readers and spread content further by embedding tweetable quotes. By including a specific call to action, such as "tweet this," you prompt readers to share immediately. Learn More


Our distribution is immediately after your approval, starting with posting to our site, and then, within days, in the hard copy, CD or Tape formats. Results start coming in immediately and last for several months as more usage occurs, with editors filling special sections or time slots for broadcast. Learn More.

Trackable Links

Use custom campaign parameters for the URLs in your articles. When users click on a custom link, the unique parameters can be sent to your Google Analytics account, so you can identify traffic coming from each article and determine which is most effective. ROI can be measured by tying sales to traffic. Learn More


Our guarantee is complete satisfaction with each content distribution or another one free. You won't need the guarantee. We have worked for most Fortune 500 companies, the top 20 PR firms, over 100 associations and many government agencies. We have been proudly serving the public with expert information for decades. We look forward to helping you to celebrate your success.

Frequently asked questions


We tag key words on our blog for SEO. We include include hyperlinked text and your site within a frame under each article. All our stories are searchable on Google News and thousands of other sites. Learn More.


We use multiple online monitoring services. We get screen shots, scan in print placements to digitize those, send e-clips, links to placements and online reports. We have a huge staff in house that monitors thousands of publications that others don't.


We include links to social media sites under each release for content sharing. We post on our own social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, iTunes and our own blog.


Our expert writers have an average tenure of over 10 years. They advise clients on what kinds of stories get the best results, and review results regularly. Many of our clients have won our highly coveted Golden Thinker award or a Certificate of Excellence. Learn More.


We use link referral services to amplify your story. Readers may see your story in a widget under a relevant story and be able to click through to read it where it says "If you like this story you may like these others." Learn More.

Media Relations

Our media relations team has built up relationships over the 60+ years we have been in business.  They keep track of the high turnover of editors, and customize our distribution based on the formats each editor prefers or requires.