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Business Trends

How AI Prompts Can Level the Playing Field for Solopreneurs and SMBs

by Kristina Behr (NAPSI)—Here’s a look at a trend that’s heating up—and some smart ideas for making the most of it. Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the forefront of the modern workplace, … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSI)—Sharing the road with trucks means sharing the responsibility so everyone stays safe. Poor driving habits or driving while distracted puts drivers, truckers and others such as highway … more
Technology Improving Our Lives

A Faster Way To A Happier Year In Albuquerque: High-Speed Internet

(NAPSI)—All too many Americans find that as cooler weather keeps them and their families indoors—watching movies, playing games, video-conferencing—their home Internet connection may start to … more
Technology Improving Our Lives

A Faster Way To A Happier Year for Houstonians: High-Speed Internet

(NAPSI)—All too many Americans find that as cooler weather keeps them and their families indoors—watching movies, playing games, video-conferencing—their home Internet connection may start to … more

Hints To Help You Have A Happier Year

All too many Americans find that as cooler weather keeps them and their families indoors—watching movies, playing games, video-conferencing—their home Internet connection may start to lag or … more
Cuestiones de salud

Recomendaciones actualizadas sobre la vacuna antineumocócica que ayudarán a salvar vidas

por Karyne Jones   (NAPSI)—Buenas noticias para los estadounidenses mayores de 50 años (y para las personas que cuidan de ellos): Ahora tienen acceso a vacunas para detener la propagación de … more
Managing Your Money

Financial Wellness in 2025: Start with These Simple Steps

(NAPSI)—Now that 2025 is here, it’s time to tackle resolutions for a financially healthier year. The self-improvement journey can be expensive so go for goals that will help keep you on track, … more
Health Awareness

Understanding Thyroid Health

(NAPSI)—An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. 1 During January, recognized as Thyroid Awareness Month, YARAL Pharma is raising awareness of thyroid disease, … more
Health Matters

Updated Pneumococcal Vaccine Recommendations Will Help Save Lives

by Karyne Jones (NAPSI)—Good news for those Americans over the age of 50 (and the people who care about them): You now have access to vaccines to stop the spread of pneumococcal disease, or … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)— You can protect your baby even before he or she is born by getting vaccinated against RSV while pregnant,   the experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise. For … more

News For New York

By 2050, peak electricity needs across New York state are expected to rise by more than fifty percent according to the New York Independent System Operator,. Fortunately, National Grid recently … more
Tendencias Novedosas

Cuadro de mando del spam en Estados Unidos

(NAPS)—La próxima vez que suene su teléfono, hay muchas posibilidades de que sea una llamada de spam, pero hay formas de protegerse. El problema Una persona promedio recibe unas 9 llamadas de … more
Holiday Safety

Keep Your Home Safe from Fires and Other Emergencies This Winter

(NAPSI)—While the winter season brings many joyful moments, it can also bring increased safety risks—but you can protect yourself, your home and your family.   Who Can Help Volunteer fire … more
Newsworthy Trends

America’s Spam Scorecard

(NAPSI)—The next time your phone rings, there’s a good chance it will be a spam call—but there are ways you can protect yourself. The Problem The average person sees around 9 spam calls a … more
Health And Well-Being

Hints To Help You Have A Better New Year

(NAPSI)—The holidays have ended, and a new year has begun—a time when many embrace a fresh start by setting New Year’s resolutions.   This year, why not consider solutions rather than … more
Pequenos obsequios para mascotas

La nueva tecnología ofrece esperanza

(NAPSI)—Hay noticias para los padres de mascotas: según la veterinaria Dra. Babette Gladstein, “resulta alarmante que hasta el 85 % de los perros desarrollen algún tipo de enfermedad de las … more
Aviso de Salud

Qué hacer para combatir la gripe y el COVID-19

(NAPSI)—Es posible que no lo sepas, pero es probable que tengas al menos un factor de riesgo que podría hacerte vulnerable a complicaciones graves que derivan de la gripe, el COVID-19 u otras … more
Health Awareness

What to Do to Fight the Flu and COVID-19

(NAPSI)—You may not know it, but chances are you have at least one risk factor that could make you vulnerable for serious complications from flu, COVID-19 and other dangerous diseases. Conditions … more
Alerta sanitaria para las personas mayores

Reducción del riesgo del VRS: lo que debe saber

(NAPSI)—Con la llegada de temporada de la gripe y resfriados, algo aparentemente simple puede ser señal de un problema más grave para algunas personas, pero también hay buenas noticias. El … more
Health Alert For Seniors

Reducing Your Risk of RSV: What You Need to Know

(NAPSI)—As cold and flu season sets in, a seemingly simple cold could signal a more serious concern for some people—but there’s good news, too. The Risk of RSV Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) … more
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