A Simple Path To The Good Life


The Perfect Book For Someone You Love, Including You (NAPSA)—Isyourlife perfect and stress-free? Are you willing to sell your soul to get what you want? Do you like being manipulated? Do you enjoy being neglected, unseen, and unheard? Are you able to find enough timeto devote to just you in your busy life? Do you enjoy being abused and treated disrespectfully? Chances are if you’re like most people, the answer The Nude Ethicist: A simple aa) to The Good Life™ is no. So if you'd like to reduce the stress, conflict, rudeness and disappointment in your life, clear away the clutter and feel more comfortable by making choices that are good for you, set boundaries to protect your values and choices, and feel your life has value and meaning, then Olive Gallagher’s new book, “The Nude Ethicist: A Simple Path to The Good Life”, a 2005 Independent Publisher Book Awards semifinalist, is for you. Written in a warm, accessible, conversational style, “The Nude Ethicist: A Simple Path to The Good Life” offers a number of helpful, common-sense stories, ideas and tools that will lead you along this simple path step-bystep and show you howto figure out what matters most in yourlife and isn’t negotiable. “Once you sort out what you value most and what you won’t compromise, then making choices that are good for you becomes so much easier and stress-free,” explains Gallagher. “When you're clear and willing to be accountable for the choices you’ve made, every time something new comes along that you think you can’t live without you can check yourshortlist of things that aren’t negotiable and think, ‘Gosh, if I choose this thing, then I’m going to have to compro- mise or give up that value andit is simply notfor sale. 299 Gallagher believes that Americans have been buying into the “good life” for far too long at too high a price. “Look at the high rates of addiction and depression. Those numbers don’t lie and tell a very disturbingstory.” She adds, “Our personal choices determine the value of our lives, but every choice has a price. On The Inner Bottom Line that belongs to you, it’s al- ways going to come down to whetheror not the price you'll have to pay will turn out to be too much. “But don’t despair,” Gallagher concludes. “There is hope. Andit’s quite simple to achieve and doesn’t cost very much.” This practical and inspiring philosophy can be found in “The Nude Ethicist: A Simple Path to The Good Life,”” a Rising Moon Press™ publication, available whereverfine booksare sold. It can also be purchased directly at www.theinnerbottomline.com.