Avocados From Peru Salute U.S. Service Men And Women


U.S. Service Men And Women (NAPSA)—Avocados from Peru Season are a delightful way to enjoy a Superfood summer celebration. Recently the sailors of the guided missile cruiser USS Cole were honored with a gala shipboard breakfast, courtesy of Avocados from Peru. According to Xavier Equihua, CEO of Avocados from Peru, “It is both a pleasure and an honor to kick off our peak season with the officers and crew of this fine ship.” And what do you feed a hungry crew of 300 sailors? How about a delicious daybreak breakfast recipe especially designed for them? Avocado Breakfast Boats, featuring Peruvian avocados, cherry tomatoes and scrambled eggs delivered a hearty, healthy start to a day of smoothsailing. Members of USS Cole enjoying a delicious daybreak meal featuring Avocado Breakfast Boats. 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1 teaspoonsalt, divided % teaspoon black pepper, divided 8 eggs Avocado Breakfast Boats can give you energy to makethe rest of your day seem like smoothsailing. If your crew would like to try them, here’s the Avocado Break- fast Boats recipe: Avocado Breakfast Boats 2 avocados from Peru, halved andpitted 2 ripe plum tomatoes, seeded and diced % cup diced red onion 2 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro 1 tablespoon finely diced jalapeno, optional Using a spoon, scoop the avocado out of the skin in one piece, keeping the shell intact. Dice avocado and, in a large bowl, toss with tomato, onion, cilantro, jalapefio, lime juice, % teaspoon salt and % teaspoon pepper. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use. In a medium bowl, beat eggs with remaining salt and pepper. Coat a skillet with cooking spray and heat over mediumhigh heat. Add eggs to skillet and scramble, stirring occasionally, until set. Evenly divide scrambled eggs into avocado shells and top with fresh avocadosalsa. Serves 4. For more information about Avocados from Peru and delicious recipes, visit www.avocadosfrom peru.com.