Buying A New Car


(NAPSA)—It seems safe to say, safety should be more of a consideration for car buyers. A recent survey by SAFER CARS discovered people place a pre- OFTEN HAVE ties offered in a new car rather than its safety features. The survey found that 47 percent of LOWER RATES mium on the look and the ameni- respondents believe the color of the car is more important than side air bags and 22 percent said a CD player was more important than anti-lock brakes. What car buyers may not know is that safer cars often have lowerinsurance rates. “While consumers are kicking the tires or checking the price of the leather package when shopping for a new car, they rarely take the time to compare auto insurance premiums,” said Alex Ho, Marketing Manager at the Progressive Insurance company, which sponsored the survey. “Some safety features can slightly increase the overall cost of a new car, but this doesn’t necessarily translate to higher premium rates. “Since auto insurance rates vary SHOP FOR INSURANCE WHEN BUYING A NEW CAR * CALL 1-800-AUTO-PRO”* * VISIT PROGRESSIVE.COM * * VISIT A LOCAL PROGRESSIVE AGENT * [) A recent survey found the top considerations for new car buyers were purchaseprice, practicality (gas mileage, insurance), monthly payment amountandthe look of the car. Safety features (air bags, anti-lock brakes) werelistedfifth. test video and analysis from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety online at Negotiate your best deal. Check with several dealerships if you can. Get a firm quote, in writing. Shop aroundfor financing. Shop around for auto insur- widely from company to company, ance. Start by visiting an independent insurance agent. Agents rep- knows, they might save enough to help you comparison shop. Test drive the car. it’s important for consumersto shop around and compare rates. Who pay for that CD changer!” Here are a few tips Progressive suggests consumers consider when purchasing a new car: Decide how much money you can spend and what type of vehicle best suits your needs. e Research crash tests and accident data. You can see crash resent several companies and can Inspect the new car carefully before drivingoff thelot. For more information about new car buying strategies, for comparison rates on your auto insurance or to find a nearby agent, call 1-800-AUTO-PRO or visit