Catching ZZZs On The Road--And At Home


oi TIPS ON GETTING A GOODNIGHT’S REST Catching ZZZs On The Road—And At Home (NAPSA)—Sleeping away from home can be an eye-opening experience. That’s the word from sleep experts who say that people who travel have the unique opportunity to evaluate and improve their at-home sleep habits and bedroom environment. For instance, if you slept better traveling than you normally do at home, consider differences in your routine or sleeping area. Did you get more exercise? Were you more relaxed near bedtime? Was the room especially cool or dark? Most importantly, how did the comfort and support of the mat- tress you slept on compare to your own bed at home? Sleeping better on a different bed may be a sign that it’s time to replace your old mattress with a new one. Of course, not all people sleep well when traveling. This lack of sleep can have damagingeffects. Just one sleepless night can leave people feeling uncomfortable, irritable and—most significantly— put them at increased risk should they get behind the wheel the next day. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that up to 100,000 policereported crashes annually involve drowsinessor fatigue as a principal causalfactor. Sleep should be a top priority, both on the road and at home. To achieve the best rest possible, the Better Sleep Council offers these tips: Do your best to maintain a consistent sleep and wakeschedule. If possible, adjust the room temperature. The ideal bedroom temperature is 60 — 65 degrees How well you sleep while traveling could tell you a lot about your at-home sleeping habits. Fahrenheit. A room that’s too warm or too cool can disrupt sleep. Try to make the room dark, quiet and uncluttered. The rising sun can wake up the brain long before the alarm goes off and noise (such as a TV) can keep us from enjoying deep, restful sleep. e Exercise regularly. Make sure to complete your workout at least a few hours before bedtime. Avoid nicotine and caffeine close to bedtime andtry to finish eating at least two to three hours before your regular bedtime. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. The quality of your sleep surface can determine the quality of your sleep. To help you Start Every Day with a Good Night’s Sleep”, the Better Sleep Council offers additional sleep tips and features a new mattress-buying guide on its Web site. For more information, visit