Combat Cabin Fever With These Fun And Easy Indoor Play Ideas


Indoor Play Ideas (NAPSA)—When outdoor playtime is impossible due to bad weather,it’s important for parents to have a few fun activities in their bag of tricks. To weather the storm and thwart cries of “I’m bored!,” here are a few suggestions to help divert your toddler’s pent-up energy: Indoor Camping—Gatherold curtains, tablecloths or bedsheets, tuck them in the cracks of couch cushions, and tie them to the coffee-table legs to create an awesome indoor tent. Give kids a flashlight and some books and they will spend a happy afternoon reading, singing and telling stories inside their pretend camp. Piay-DoH—Whetherbuilding imaginary worlds or exploring new shapes and textures, there are endless possibilities for creatable, colorful, make-able fun with PLay-DoH compound. For example, the PLAY-DoH Spaghetti Factory play set will have kids “cooking” up an impressive variety of PLAy-DoH pasta and noodle creations. Simply place the bowl or plate atop the noodle factory, push down the arms and a big portion of “pasta” appears. Add yummy-looking PLAy-DoH toppings such as “meatballs,” “tomatoes” or “shrimp” using the selection of handy half-molds. Kids will go “nuts” over the cute PLAy-DoH Coco-Nutty Monkey play set. Press down on the monkey’s tail and watch his hands “clap” two It’s always a good idea to have a few fun activities in mind for those days when children can’t go play outside. coconut halves together to mold “bananas,” “pineapples” or minimonkeys. The colorful chimp also has wacky, giggle-inducing, extruding hair and tongue features. Both sets are available at most major toy retailers nationwide and online at Each sold separately. e Sticker Fun—Here’s a unique way to turn magazinepictures, wrapping paper or comic book cutouts into customized stickers. Mix together 1 teaspoon flavored gelatin and 2 teaspoons boiling water in a small bowluntil gelatin is dissolved. Let the mixture cool about one minute. With a small brush, brush a thin coat of warm sticker solution on the back of each picture cutout. When dry, you can lick the stickers and stick them on paperor glass. It works just like a real stamp.