Crunching Numbers


UT) rr Crunching Numbers (NAPSA)—Four new workbooks in the popular “Dummies”series will help students andtheir parents get a grasp on terms and concepts while they sharpentheir skills. Thefirst is “Statistics Workbook For Dummies”(Wil- ey, $16.99), a handson guide that helps solve statistical cal- | eee TTT - mY tT i Wiusem culations and prob- lems in a step-by-step _ manner. From signed . numbers to story problems, “Algebra | Workbook For Vee Dummies” (Wiley, Wleeeeene $16.99) helps decipher fractions, enw exponents, factoring, linear and quadratic equations, in equalities * and graphs. A “Trigonometry Workbook For Dummies” (Wiley, $16.99) can demystify Cartesian co- Bit eieuaed Workbook ordinates, sines and cosines, secants and = cosecants. The “Calculus Workbook For Dummies” (Wiley, $16.99) covers calculus problems such as infinite practice humntreds beginalta: < erentoust problems 7 Hernyouracelin dnmuna J catccnmiencame ferattproblems Ateleochesauthorof ‘Caesars Charis? Practice for the Rest of Us!” series, improper integrals, differentiation and integration. These books make math easier and add a dash of humor to enliven study time. They are available at bookstores and