Don't Let Pests Rain On Your Parade


ie When Extreme WeatherHits, Don’t Let Pests Rain On Your Parad (NAPSA)}—Extreme weather con- ditions—like thunderstorms, flood- Name ing, heat waves and drought—can pose an array of problems. But many do not realize that such weather not only affects the lives of people, but also the lives of pests. “Any extreme change in weather—temperature or moisture—can affect pest activity,” says Orkin, Inc. entomologist Ron Harrison, Ph.D. “If pests’ natural habitats are destroyed by drastic weather conditions, their relocation could trigger an infestation in or around your home.” The following conditions may influence pest activity: e Heavy rains and flooding. When the natural homes of rodents, ants, spiders and crickets are destroyed by excessive rain and flooding, these pests may be forced to move to higher, drier ground in corners and crevices of your home. Flooding also creates bodies of standing water, which provide ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Dry conditions or drought. Like most pests, ants, millipedes, earwigs and springtails thrive on moisture and will seek out water sources indoors near faulty plumbing, dishwashers and washing machines. High temperatures. Flying and stinging pests, mosquitoes, fire ants, spiders and termites are more active in climates with sustained high temperatures. However, pest activity actually drops off when temperatures exceed 100 degrees. Not only are pests annoying, they can also pose health threats to you and your family. Flying and stinging pests that thrive in hot, wet conditions may cause painful can force pests to seek shelter in your home. bites, allergic reactions and even viruses. Rodents that are forced indoors by flooding can carry diseases into your home. While you cannot control the occurrence of extreme weather, you can take steps to guard against the pest problems caused by these conditions. For example, before the storms hit, make sure screens, windows and doors are tightly sealed to keep pests (and weather) out of your home. Once extreme weather incidents pass, dry and clean any affected or damaged areas of your home immediately and thoroughly. Promptly make an effort to treat mold growth. Also, eliminate sources of standing water around your hometo help prevent pests from breeding nearby. However, if weather-weary pests still find their way into your home, trust a pest control professional for prevention and treatment measures. For moreinformation, visit or call (800) 800-ORKIN.