Don't Let Your Summer Bite


HORRIBILUS Don’t Let Your Summer Bite (NAPSA)-—Hoere’s good news for homeowners tired of heing bugged: There are steps you can take to reduce the number of mosquitoes in your neck of the woods. Mosquitoes tend to be attracted to colognes, fragrances, strong soaps and dark or bright colors. * Still water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Experts advise homeowners to not leave standing water in their yards, drainage ditches or plugged roof gutters. In addition, it’s a good idea to change water im birdbaths, potted plants and wading pools at least once a week. To keep persistent outdoor pests outdoors, cover all windows, doors, chimneys and other entrances with insect screens. if bitten by a mosquito, try not to scratch the bite—experts say it will only cause it to itch more and may lead to infections. Try using an itch-relieving product instead. For example, I[TCH-X is an anti-itch gel that contains aloe vera. Ti soothes itching caused by bug bites, poison ivy, oak and sumac. Mosquitoes are attracted to bright, dark colors, especially red. To keep mosquitoes at bay, it can be helpful to wear hght, solid coal- ors and avoid floral prints or any type of fur on clothing. For more information, visit