Eye On Health


Preventive care is especially important for eyes because many common diseases can rob you of your vision before you even notice signs of trouble. It’s a good idea to see an ophthalmologist—a medical and surgical physician trained to recognize all threats to vision—if you experience blurry, wavy or blank spots in your field of vision; injure your eye; or need cataract surgery. Fortunately, these doctors know how to practice medicine safely, even in the COVID era. When you get to the eye doctor’s office, expect to be asked about your health, to wear a mask, to practice social distancing in the waiting room and to have your temperature taken. Moreover, if the cost of an eye exam is a concern, the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Eye-Care America program may help. This national public service provides eyecare through thousands of volunteer ophthalmologists for eligible seniors and others at increased risk for eye disease, mostly at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient. Learn more at e-y-e-c-a-r-e-america--dot--org.