Fast Fixes For Travel Troubles


* PS ON LRIP Wo eect pt tm, Fast Fixes For Travel Troubles (NAPSA)—While nobody expects to get sick on a vacation, it’s a smart and healthy idea to be prepared for ailments when you are away from home. Fortunately, there are convenient “fast fixes” for many minor, yet uncomfortable ailments that seem to strike more often in the summertime. These can range from the expected bug bites and sunburn to more personal conditions, such as urinary tract infections and yeast infections. To prevent cutting your vacation short or struggling to get symptom relief when you are far away from home, doctors recommend women pack overthe-counter medications that relieve symptoms caused by these conditions. One treatment, Uristar’ Urinary Pain Relief Tablets, an overthe-counter analgesic, has proven to be a travel bag must-have for women. Uristat’ offers temporary relief of urinary pain, burning and urgency associated with a urinary tract infection before a woman can visit her doctor for treatment. It is important to see a doctor or clinician whenever you have urinary discomfort. “Although a courseof antibiotics is required to treat a urinary tract infection, use of over-the-counter analgesics can limit the severity and duration of the debilitating symptoms while waiting for other treatments to becomeeffective,” explains Nancy Lebowitz, M.D., Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cornell Medical Center, and assistant attending physician at New York Hospital. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are primarily caused by a bacterium in the urinary tract known as E. coli. Symptoms may include pain or burning upon urination; dull pain in the abdomen; urgent need to urinate; frequent need to urinate; voiding small amounts of urine many times a day. A few summertime practices can help prevent UTI’s: drink plenty offluids, don’t wait too long to urinate, empty your bladder eN \ Today’s woman travels smart and packs with her own health and comfort in mind. before and after intimate relations and try to avoid stress. A vaginal yeast infection can be caused by an overgrowth of the yeast called Candida albicans. Symptoms may include itching, burning,irritation, rash or redness, and white discharge. Contributing factors to a yeast infection include: wearing tight clothing or synthetic underwear or remaining too long in a wet bathing suit. These both create a warm, moist environment where Candida thrives. If you think you might have a vaginal yeast infection, but have never been diagnosed with one before, you should see your doctor. While womenare packing their personal travel kits, they should also tuck in topical vaginal yeast infection treatments, such as the new MonistaT’ 3 CREAM COMBINA- TION PACK, a convenient, over-thecounter medication with an external cream, provides fast relief of external symptoms, unlike oral medications which can take up to 24 hours to begin relieving symptoms. Monistar 3 CREAM COMBINATION Pack makes a perfect travel companion as it contains convenient, ready-to-use applicators pre-filled with the unique patented 3-day formula. While the trusted formulation works to cure your vaginal yeast infection internally, the external cream soothes and comforts itching andirritation on contact.