Fighting Cancerous Tumors


New Arsenal In Fighting Cancerous Tumors ‘ (NAPSA)—When patients are first diagnosed with cancer, the news is hard to hear. That’s because intuitively we all know that, in spite of the progress against cancer, the disease still kills many people. Patients usu- ally die following the recurrenceof cancer, not from thefirst cancer. CEL-SCI Corp. wants to change that. To that effect, their researchers, along with other can- S cer researchers, have just published a unique new finding that may serve to makethefirst cancer A new treatmentis offering hope for patients with head and neck by reducing the risk of the dreaded recurrence of disease at 24+ months after Multikine treatment. This contrasts with the scientific literature which reports that up to 50 percent of primary head and neck cancer patients will recur within 18 to 24 months treatment more successful, there- recurrence of cancer. Their non-toxic immune system- boosting drug Multikine was just shown to significantly increase the susceptibility of cancer cells to radiation therapy. This is very important because radiation ther- apy 1s a mainstay of cancer therapy. Its limitation, other than toxicity, is that only about 10 percent of cancer cells are susceptible to the radiation at any one point in time. Data recently published in The Laryngoscope highlights clinical trial results demonstrating that pre-treatment with Multikine ren- ders the great majority of the remaining cancer cells highly susceptible to follow-on radiation therapy. Imagine that you could wipe out over 50 percent of the cancer cells in the first treatment as opposed to the current 10 percent. Data currently available on the follow-up of eight sequentially treated patients at one center showed that none of the Multikine treated patients presented with cancer. after surgery and/or radiation therapy. The company is planning large-scale clinical studies to prove that the drug works. This new finding may change the way doctors treat cancer. If Multikine is proven to reduce the recurrence rate of head & neck cancer, it is likely that Multikine will be included in the first line therapy of many cancers. “There are about 650,000 radiation treatments for cancer in the U.S. every year,” says Dr. Eyal Talor, senior vice president of research and manufacturing at CEL-SCI and the corresponding author of the study, “and the addition of Multikine to radiation therapy may help make these treatments more successful.” To learn more, visit