Government Information At A Library Near You


roars yo4 kk United States Government PUBLICATIONS * ONLINE ACCESS * SERVICE i I | : (NAPSA)—An important government program is helping safeguard one of our nation’s strongest traditions: the public’s right to know. Since it was established by Congress in 1813, the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) hascollected, organized and preserved information produced by the federal government, and assisted people in locating and usingit. Libraries designated as depositories provide local, no-fee access to information from the government in impartial environments. Expert assistance in locating specific information is available at all locations from government information librarians. Federal depository collections are available for use by everyone. Collections are available in print, microfiche and electronic formats on a wide range of topics relevant to the general public and to professionals, researchers and students in almost every field. Access to online services is through public workstations. Overseen by the U.S. Government Printing Office, FDLP facilities include academic libraries, public libraries, academic law libraries and community college libraries, as well as state and federal libraries. They are located in nearly every congressional district throughout the U.S. andits territories. To learn more, or to locate the nearest depository library, contact: FEDERAL DEPOSITORY LIBRARY PROGRAM Web site: U.S. Government Printing Office 732 North Capitol Street NW, Washington, DC 20401