Healthy New Wave in Bathing: Pipeless Baths


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Please contact us to arrange to receive Featurettes in the format that works best for you at (800) 222-5551 or e-mail your request to us at We can provide Featurettes on CD-ROM or you can download it online at Gary Lipton Media Relations Manager Phone: 1-(800)-222-5551 Fax: 1-(800)-990-4329 Web site: www. napsnet .com e-mail: #2403 North American Precis Syndicate, Inc., 350 Fifth Avenue, 65th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10118-0110 Healthy New Wave in Bathing: Pipeless Baths (NAPSA)—Home whirlpool baths may be relaxing, but are they good for you? It might depend on their pipes. Even as homeowners have been outdoing themselves in installing such luxurious touches in recent years, experts warn that traditional in-home whirlpool baths may expose bathers to harmful microorganisms growing in their internal piping. The answer: New pipeless baths eliminate the maze of pipes, pumps and fittings, are easier to clean, and have parts that can be disinfected after each use. Soaking In The Luxury In taking such precautions, homeowners would be following the lead of many upscale luxury destinations whose switch to pipeless baths has allowed for evermore creative uses of oils, salts and even—in the case of the Spa at the Hotel Hershey—what’s billed as a “whipped cocoa bath.” In traditional piped baths, such additives could be problematic due to potentially unsanitary residue buildup within the hidden mazes of pumps and fittings. Of course, aside from the health considerations, anyone who’s ever slipped into one of the newer pipeless spa baths pioneered by SANIJET Corporation probably also emerged raving about such lux amenities as their preprogrammed hydrotherapy massage settings, digital treatment timers and soothing chromatherapy lighting. But even their most ardent fans will tell you the biggest “wow factor” may be their ability to guard against dangerous microbes such as mycobacterium, legionella, staphylococcus and pseudomonas. Safer, Cleaner Soaks According to research conducted by a leading microbiologist, virtually 100 percent of tra- A Nutty, Healthy Diet (NAPSA)—There’s more good news for pecan lovers. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) and Dietitians of Canada (DC) confirm that nuts, including pecans, can help you live a healthier life. New dietary recommendations published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association state that adults should reduce the amount of unhealthy satu- Homeowners, spas and hotels are using “pipeless” baths to eliminate the bacteria found in common piped whirlpools. ditional piped whirlpool baths tested positive for those and other microorganisms. “Whirlpool baths are luxury items, and—with traditional piped systems—there are virtually no safeguards to protect consumers,” says Philip Klement, SANIJET’s vice president of sales and marketing. “Our primary focus is on health and safety, and consumers need to be made aware of the hidden risks and the viable alternative solutions.” Klement explains that each jet in his company’s pipeless baths, which have been certified by NSF International (formerly the National Sanitation Foundation), can be easily removed and quickly disinfected—“a serious priority,” he says—using only about half a gallon of water. That could strike consumers as an attractive side benefit, considering that traditional piped systems consume more than 80 gallons per cleaning. Taking The Plunge Consumers can request a free pipeless spa bath DVD and brochure package by calling (877) 934-0477, or they can visit to learn more about pipeless spa bathing. Pecans are loaded with beneficial unsaturated fat, plus vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. rated fat and trans fat in their diets and increase consumption of beneficial unsaturated fat. Pecans fit right in with the new recommendations because about 90 percent of the fat found in pecans is heart-healthy, unsaturated fat. Plus, pecans contain no trans fat, no cholesterol and are packed with antioxidants and more than 19 vitamins and minerals. “Of greatest importance is the type of fat one chooses,” explains registered dietitian Penny KrisEtherton, professor of nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. According to ADA’s statement about fatty acids, “the healthiest choices are unsaturated fats found in liquid vegetable oils, nuts and seeds and omega-3 unsaturated fats found in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and shellfish.” For more information on the nutritional value of pecans and their contribution to a healthy diet, visit Fun Ways To Teach Kids To Help Wildlife And The Environment (NAPSA)—Whether it’s playing in the park, visiting a zoo or just looking out a window, experts say there are plenty of everyday activities that can be used to teach children to respect the environment and wildlife around them. The key is to make the lessons fun and to tie them to interests that kids already have. For instance, if your child loves sharks, talk to him about oceans and how people can keep them clean. Or, have a favorite character help deliver the message with fun, interactive play. Fisher-Price’s Go Diego Go! line offers a terrific collection of toys inspired by the Nick Jr. show “Go, Diego, Go!” In the show, Diego races to the rescue of animals and the environment. Try asking your children questions about why it’s important for Diego to help his animal friends and what we can do to help ours. There are also toys, including Fisher-Price’s Diego Rescue a Friend Assortment, and Diego Animal Caller, that let children make animal sounds or pretend to rescue baby jaguars, elephants, lions, spider monkeys, maned wolf pups and spectacled bears. There’s even the Diego Mobile Rescue Unit that includes everything kids need to help Diego rescue his animal friends—a kid-tough toy truck, a base of operations, complete with mission post and veterinary center, and a launch pad with airstrip and airplane. Parents can also share these tips with their kids to help them be an Animal Rescuer, just like their hero, Diego: • Respect Nature—Animals and plants need their space. When you see plants and animals, look, but don’t touch. Instead, get a closer look at nature with your binoculars, camera or by drawing what you see. Kids’ favorite characters can help them learn important lessons about rescuing animals and protecting the environment. • Create a Habitat—You can create healthy and safe homes for animals right in your backyard. Help your family and friends plant trees and flowers in the yard to serve as shelter for small animals, or build and hang a bird feeder. • Clean up a Park—Everyone can work together to keep environments clean. As an Animal Rescuer, you can get your parents and a group of friends together and head to your community park. Give each helper a garbage bag and gloves, and send everyone out on a treasure hunt to pick up paper, cans and other litter. • Reduce Waste—Animal Rescuers help save water, too. Always turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth and after washing your hands. If you do, you’ll save water and energy, since it takes a lot of power to pump that water out. • Transform Your Trash— Give paper, plastic and glass materials to an adult to be recycled. Or get creative with your trash. Wrap a friend’s birthday gift in the Sunday comics section or store your crayons in an empty coffee can. For more information and ideas, visit