Help Your Teenager Fight Acne


Sensitive Solutions For Parents Of Teens With Acne (NAPSA)—Yourteenageris not alone in the fight against pim- variety of different solutions. e The tried-and-true methods skin disorder, affecting an esti- tion. These include washing skin with a gentle cleanser twice daily ages, from teens to adults in their 50s, the most common sufferers or lotions. These creams and lotions generally take six to eight weeksto ples. Acne is the most common of fighting acne focus on preven- mated 40-50 million Americans. While pimples affect people of all and the possible use of acne creams are adolescents. work and typically contain one of two active ingredients designed to Any teenager who struggles with the affliction of acne also is probably experiencing the emotional stress and low self-esteem often associated with this skin disorder. With a few simple tips, parents can learn how to sensitively identify and address the problem, providing effective solutions to help their teenager fight acne on both the physical and psychological levels. What You Need To Know About Acne Thefirst step to finding a solution is being able to identify the severity of the problem. The most common form of acne is mild-to-moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris, commonly called zits, pimples, breakouts or blemishes. These conditions result when a skin pore clogs, allowing p.acnes bacteria to thrive andultimately creating the small red inflammation that appears as a pimple. There also are moreseriouslevels of acne, such as severe acne vulgaris, acne rosacea or acne conglobata, which are moredifficult to clear and can have long-lasting effects. The type of treatment can vary greatly depending on acnetype, fight the outbreak of new acne— benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. A new handheld medical device can neutralize the bacteria that causespimples. likely pass. New Jersey-based board-certified dermatologist Dr. Jeanine Downie recommendsthesetips for sensitively talking to your teenager about acne: 1. Pick a time when your teen- and/orirritation of the skin. reassure that this condition will cells. Both products may haveside effects, including excessive drying ager is in a comfortable, private place, such as on the way home from school in thecar. Unfortunately, no matter how good your preventative regimen may be, pimples can still break through. When that happens, there also are new cutting-edge options such as spot treatment devices. Spot treatment devices are designed to clear pimples after they appear. One of the newest products 2. Avoid talking to them when pimples are especially bad, as his/her self-esteem maybefragile. 3. Approach the conversation by asking questions rather than making statements. For example, rather than saying “I’m worried about your skin,” ask “Do you feel frustrated by your skin sometimes?” Then,tell them about your experiences with acne as a teen so iting a dermatologist for the most tried. break through andacneis likely options for acne. Choosing the best solution depends on the severity of the blemishes and can combine a to affect a teenager’s self-esteem cells, while salicylic acid helps cor- rect the abnormal shedding of skin from simple daily cleansing to pre- severe types of acne. Butin all cases, it is important to remember that no matter how good a preventative regimenis, pimples canstill Benzoyl peroxide reduces p.acnes bacteria and removes dead skin and confidence. As a parent, it’s important to be supportive and they truly know you understand. 4. Do your research and bring vent the occasional pimple to vis- Each works in a different manner: new solutions that they haven’t Treatment Options: Tried & True and Cutting Edge There are many treatment on the market is ThermaClear ( Therma- Clear is an FDA-cleared, handheld medical device, sold over the counter, that delivers a controlled burst of heat that penetrates below the skin’s surface to neutralize the bacteria that causes pimples. A clinical study proves that ThermaClear clears acne pimples two to four times faster than those not treated with ThermaClear. For more-severe acne cases, you may benefit from visiting a dermatologist who can offer stronger solutions, such as antibiotic treatments or in-office laser treatments, available only under a doctor’s care. For more information on acne, visit the American Academy of Dermatology at