Holiday Health Hints


(NAPSA)—The holidays should be filled with joy, not stress over how much fruitcake you’ve con- sumed. To help keep your diet and fitness program on track during the holidays, here are sometips from experts Susan Burke and Raphael Calzadilla. Scale back workouts. Anticipate seasonal demands and reduce time pressure by working out for 30 minutes per session instead of 60, or just three days per weekrather than fourorfive. Shop till you drop. For mall shoppers, take the stairs a specific number of times and don’t leave until you reach your goal. Make a point of not using the escalator or elevator. Have a taste. Don’t waste calories on junky sweets. Only indulge if it’s something special. Moderation is fundamental to maintaining weightloss. Give yourself permission to say “no”...tactfully. Saying “no, thank you” to a well-intentioned host doesn’t make you rude. Eat a healthy snack before a party for an extra dose of willpower. Have fun and dance. Staying active is the best way to ensure that your holiday parties don’t derail your diet. Burn calories by dancing the night away. Get real. It’s O.K. if you gain a little weight. When it starts to get cold, the body’s natural physiologi- cal response is to create some insulation. Just don’t let it go over five pounds, and commit to getting right back on track at the start of the new year.