Reach Thousands Of Community News Sites Provided By Top 10 CMS Providers

Independently Held Newspaper Sites Are Largely Concentrated With A Few Companies


By Dorothy York, President and CEO of North American Precis Syndicate (NAPS)

Savvy content marketers are trying to extend their reach beyond publishers of the same top 500 sites that everyone else is trying to get into, and doing a more thorough job for the messages that management care about most, covering nearly all of the 10,000+ newspapers in the U. S.

Finding those can be made easier with lists from directories, many available online, or by getting in touch with thousands of publications that are served by web design and hosting companies. Those companies are not likely to share their client lists, which are growing and changing rapidly, so it may take some research to put those lists together and keep those up to date.

Nearly all of those sites have an attribution at the bottom of the home page of the sites, indicating who is powering the site. Many are clusters of newspapers, or part of a chain, with several mastheads, run by one company.

Adding to the challenge is the trend towards privacy, with contacts available only to a select few who fill out online contact forms. You may have to make your case to be contacted back in fewer than 50 words.

Fortunately, there are services who you can outsource to, who have been doing this on behalf of their clients for decades. They are prohibited from sharing many contact lists due to privacy restrictions, The best ones are those that can distribute to those publications on your behalf, having been given permission to do so for qualified content.

For those who can do the job themselves, and are successful at getting placements with a large number of those publications, you may be ready for a job at NAPS! We have been a trusted source of news for thousands of American newspapers for over 60 years.

Here are the top 10 companies that provide hosting or CMS solutions:

Town News

Our Hometown

Surf New Media

Lions Light/ROAR

Websites for Newspapers

Going 1Up!

Creative Circle


Small Town Newspapers

For more information or a free proposal from our experts, contact us at or visit