Keeping Abs Fit


Keeping AbsFit (NAPSA)—Fivetips from Sarah Ferguson, Duchess ofYork, may help you stay in tip-top shape—even during winter months. Don’t break the habit. Stay focused and make an abdominal workoutpart of your daily routine. Pa bees Having firm abs keeps me ener- gized year-round, says Sarah Ferguson, Duchessof York. Layer workouts for maximum results. Combine strength and flexibility training such as Pilates; cardio exercises such as running and abdominal workouts. Don’t let a busy schedule get in the way. Equipment such as FLEX from Compex can help you fit in a great ab workout while doing otherthings. Do something you enjoy. Choose fitness activities that are pleasant and match yourfitness level andlifestyle. Reward success. Buy yourself clothes to show off your new form. For more information, visit