Let's Face It, Facial Hair Is Here To Stay


Let’s FaceIt, Facial Hair Ils Here To Stay (NAPSA)—Facial hair has become one of the hottest trends in men’s fashion, with more than 55 million men nationwide sporting facial hair within the last year. Men havediscovered that facial hair can significantly enhance their look and help define their own personal style. Most men with facial hair believe it is their defining feature, suits their lifestyle and makes them look more desirable. As the number of men with facial hair grows,finding the right tool to maintain their look has become more important. While many men may have learned to shave from their dads or older brothers, most have never been taught how to trim facial hair. Nearly 75 percent of men with facial hair choose to trim at home and most admit to relying ontrial and error to find a technique that works. This can sometimes end with less than desirable results. Trimming 101 The most important part of staying well groomed for men is making sure they have the right tool for the job. Wahl makes choosing the proper trimmer easier by naming each tool by the specific type of hair it trims: Goatee, Beard, Mustache, Body, Ear & Nose. After selecting the right trimming tool, start by combing the hair in the direction it grows and Fifty-five million men in the U.S. have sported facial hair in the last year. gradually reduce the length guides to achieve the desired look. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles to see which shape works best and keep in mind that the style chosen will dictate the length of time between trims. Also, remember that hair maintenance beyond facial hair is important. Ears and nose should be trimmed once a week and eyebrows every other week. Learning to maintain facial hair properly can allow men to express themselves and take control of their desired look. Whether the look is rugged, distinguished or sexy, the proper training can makeall the difference. Check out wahltrimmers.com to find more useful trimmingtips.