Making A Clean Sweep


(NAPSA)—Inthe old days, people didn’t clean their rugs for months on end—if ever. While you would never stand for that, today’s busy lifestyle doesn’t leave time to waste with household chores; most people need to get them done faster and more efficiently than ever. With help from modern technology, like the dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, clothes washer and dryer, most households manage to just barely keep up. In fact, these days most people vacuum about once a week. Thisis an important way to keep your home clean and your carpet looking like new. Here are some other waysto have clean floors: Try to keep dirt outside, where it belongs by removing shoes when you comeinside. Rearrange furniture regularly in high-traffic areas. Change your furnacefilter at least once a month—moreoften during dry, dusty times. Have your carpet profession- ally cleaned at least once a year. * Vacuum frequently—This is one of the most important things you can do keep your home clean and prolongthelife of your carpet. Now, vacuuming frequently, even daily, can be easier than ever thanks to iRobot, creator of the Roomba robotic vacuum, which has sold over one million units since its introduction. The new Roomba Discovery line ($249) offers technological advances such as an active dirt detection system, a self-charging base unit, faster charging and longer battery run time. With the push of a button, it vacuums your floors and then automatically returns to the charger when the battery runs low or it’s done cleaning, and it A vacuum for pet owners, parents, seniors, disabled people and even messy teenagers. charges in just three hours. Like the original Roomba, it can automatically clean your home while you go about your day. Roomba uses a unique threestage cleaning system that allows it to get into corners and edges, sweep up large particles and vacuum up dust and otherfine particulates. It features a dirt detection system that uses special sensors to detect and focus its cleaning on particularly dirty areas. The vacuum can even determinethe room size on its own and figure out how long it needs to work to most thoroughly clean the floors. It also features cliff sensors so it won’t fall downstairs, virtual walls so the vacuum can be confined to the areas you want to clean and at just 3.5 inches high, it can clean under beds and couches where standard vacuumscan’t. For more information or to order, go to