New Generation Of 20-Something Women Feel Pressured To Achieve Success


DVeibs New Generation Of 20-Something Women Feel Pressured To Achieve Success = (NAPSA)—While today’s 20- = os something women are more accomplished and independent than ever, the pressure to have it all right now makes their twenties feel like a less beautiful time in their lives. Driven by their own critical inner voice, this age group is pursuing—and attaining—significant achievements before turning 30. However, this race to achieve success is keeping many of them from fully enjoying what they have worked so hard to accomplish. Inspiring women to gain a fresh perspective can help those in their twenties recognize a wider definition of their success and ultimately feel beautiful. “These 20-something women grew up with 24-hour Internet access and working moms whojug- gled it all. Now they are trying to outpace that world,” notes Ann Kearney-Cooke, Ph.D., licensed psy- chologist and distinguished scholar for the Partnership for Women’s Health at Columbia University. “As a result, 20-something females are suffering from ‘inner critic syndrome,’ a thought process which heightens the amount of pressure they feel to measure up to, and surpass, the previous generation.” Critical Inner Voice According to a recent national study from Dove, these women cannot ignore their inner voice, which is often critical and influential. Some of the most startling results include: Ninety-six percent of women in their twenties say their inner voice speaks to them on a typical day. More than half (fifty-five per- cent) admit their inner voice criticizes them on daily basis. Eighty-five percent admit they are their own worstcritic. This critical inner voice is also preventing 20-something women from celebrating their a. 7 - . Study showsa critical inner voice prevents 20-something women from celebrating their success. independence and success. Sixty-eight percent believe that their lives would be much more fulfilling if they did not put so much pressure on themselves. Gaining a Fresh Perspective The next phase of the Campaign for Real Beauty is designed to inspire 20-something women to gain a fresh perspective. As part of this effort, Grammy-winning artist Alicia Keys is starring in “Fresh Takes,” a new micro-series created by Dove go fresh, aimed at giving womena fresh take on life in their twenties. The series is airing nationwide for five weeks during “The Hills,” MTV’s No. 1 show for 20-something women. Inspired by best-selling “chick-lit” author Jane Green, the series follows three girlfriends as they embark on their adult lives juggling the pressures of being a 20-something woman— beauty, career, relationship, family and friends—all intensified by their own critical inner voice. Amidst these pressures, friendship, humor and honesty help them realize a widerdefinition of success and ultimately feel beautiful. “Balancing it all seems to be the biggest challenge for women in their twenties, which makes juggling life’s pressures and achieving success feel like a roller coaster ride,” says Green. “These women need to gain a fresh perspective on their lives and remember how far they have already come. Now more than ever, 20-something women should be enjoying life and feeling beautiful.” Refresh, Energize and Cool Off “Fresh Takes” celebrates the launch of new Dove go fresh—afragrance-driven product collection. The new products are designed to help 20-something women gain a fresh perspective. Its vibrant fragrances deliver invigorating and crisp sensory experiences for the body and mind. According to new research, scents have the powerto inspire women, with 60 percent reporting that fragrance can lift their spirits or change their mood. Available in three fragrances— Refreshing, Energizing and Cooling—thecollection includes deodorants, matching body mists, body washes, beauty bars, hand and body lotion, shampoos and conditioners. Women can visit www.dove from their PC or mobile phone to watchall five episodes of “Fresh Takes,” learn more about the products andget tips on how to gain a fresh perspective. Quick Tips for Going Fresh by Jane Green 1. Toke a yoga class during your lunch break. 2. Organize a weekendtrip to relax on the beach. 3. Explore a new neighborhood in your city to gain a fresh perspective. 4. Plan a shopping day with yourfriends. 5. Use uplifting fragrances such as grapefruit or waterlily to raise your spirits. @