New Year, New You


AALY New Year, New You (NAPSA)—Reading can be good for you—if you read books that provide sound advice on easy ways to improve yourhealth. Three books in the popular For Dummies series offer easy-to-follow advice that can help readers stick with New Year’s resolutions. Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies ($21.99, Wiley) by Carol Ann fer) Peetd re Rinzler with Martin OWWwEE W. Graf, M.D., is =e —y packed with realistic ee) ways to lower cho- & Po) lesterol and thereby seewseumne reduce the risk of heart attack. Pilates For Dummies ($21.99, Wiley) by Ellie Herman,a certified vis, Pilates practitioner, iticcwe shows step-by-step rcs @ exercises designed Ol to help readers achieve moreflexibility, stronger muscles teow” and newfound body awareness. Diabetes For Dummies ($21.99, Wiley) by Dr. Alan L. Rubin offers ~--- tips to help people E es sures with diabet ive. thr e S and IE viv MM DU From causes, symptoms, and side ‘Rey? effects to treatoom OV GH ments, diet and exercise, Dr. Rubin helps readers understand all types of the disease and delivers sound advice on how to stayfit and feel great. Available wherever books are sold. For more information, visit