Do you need assistance finding local programs that can help you get food or address other critical needs that have arisen due to COVID-nineteen? The Eldercare Locator stands ready to connect older adults, caregivers and professionals to local meals and community-based services that address critical needs and social isolation.
One call or click to the Eldercare Locator at 800-6-7-7--1-1-1-6 or elder-care--dot--a-c-l--dot--gov, can connect older adults and their caregivers to local programs during the COVID-nineteen national health crisis.
So, if an older adult in your life needs access to healthy meals, in-home and personal care services, transportation to critical medical appointments—or if elder abuse may be an issue—the Eldercare Locator can provide connections to local aging resources and support.
The Eldercare Locator is a free public service of the U.S. Administration for Community Living and is administered by the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Find us online at elder-care--dot--a-c-l--dot--gov or give us a call at 800--6-7-7--1-1-1-6.