Protecting Children's Eyes


DP For Parents Protecting Children’s Eyes (NAPSA)—Manyparents protect their children’s skin from harmful UV rays by using sun- block. Many forget, however, to protect children’s eyes from the damaging rays of the sun. Children should protect their eyes from the sun by wearing sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection. A recent study conducted by the Vision Council of America found nearly half of parents (45.9 percent) reported it’s “seldom” their children wear sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection, or that their kids “never”do. The statistics are alarming because studies show extended exposure to UV rays can lead to an increased risk for cataracts and macular degeneration. This risk is even higher for children because the lenses in their eyes do not block as much UV light as do adults’, and because they tend to spend a lot of time outside. Some young people may not protect their eyes because they simply don’t think of it. Others may not be encouraged to. For example, a number of schools have banned the wearing of sunglasses because of fears stemming from gang-related clothing. Doctors say the best way to protect young people’s eyes from the sun is to buy them sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection. Doing so may spare them problemslaterin life. For more information, visit