Protecting Parklands


Protecting Parklands By Donating Property (NAPSA)—There are many ways Americans can help this country’s parks grow andflourish. One of the most productive may be to donate land. For example, if you own property, you can aid in the preservation of America’s parklands by donating the property to the National Park Trust’s (NPT) Property for Parks Program. Property donated to this program will be sold and the money used to help preserve the national system of parks. Since 1983, the Trust has been the beneficiary of over $10 million worth of donated property. There are a number of ways donors may benefit: Corporations and individuals donating real estate receive an immediate tax deduction and avoid capital gains taxes. For individuals, donation write-offs can be staged over a period of years to maximize donor benefits. Individuals donating real estate can reduce state and federal estate taxes. Gifts of real estate can be donated through a will or living trust and can be used to fund Charitable RemainderTrusts. * Individuals donating property can retain their right to use the property for their lifetime, and take an immediate charitable incometax deduction for a portion of the value, when the donation is designated as partofa life estate. Other marketable assets, such as bonds, mutual funds and stocks are also accepted by the Trust. Since 1983, over $10 million worth of property has been donated to the National Park Trust. Whenthe donated property is sold, the proceeds are used for the types of parks and locations the donorprefers. If the donor wishes, appropriate recognition of the donation will be made as determined by the recipient park agency. NPT uses professional experts to help donors maximize benefits from their property. These experts on charitable giving, tax planning and real estate are available to you through the National Park Trust. The National Park Trust is dedicated to preserving America’s national system of parks, wildlife refuges, and historic monuments. For more information on how to participate in the National Park Trust through the Property for Parks program, contact NPT at (202) 548-0500 or online at