Relieving Motion Sickness


Trips Relieving Motion Sickness (NAPSA)—For some people— no matter whether they’re traveling by plane, train or automo- bile—motion sickness is an unpleasant detour. Fortunately, this peril of modern travel may actually be alleviated by a remedy that’s thousandsof yearsold. Ginger—a medicinal herb with powerful yet gentle healing properties—has long been used in Asia to soothe the discomfort of nausea. And nowit’s available in a greattasting, fast-acting gum that’s especially convenient for travelers. A great-tasting ginger gum can help travelers overcome motion sickness, with no side effects. Ginger Gum, from the makers of Sea-Band, provides 25 mg of ginger oil in each piece for drugfree nausea relief. It works by quickly delivering the healing benefits of ginger under the tongue while increasing production of saliva, the body’s natural defense against nausea. Plus, there are no side effects—making it easier to get back to enjoying yourtrip. Ginger Gum is now available at Walgreens and other fine drugstores. For information, go to