Safe Sun Health Advice


The Holick Safe Sun Health Advice (NAPSA)—More and more people are getting a D in health care. They’re not getting enough UV rays for their bodies to create the vitamin D they need. Here are some facts about sunlight and vitamin D that may prove enlightening: * Sun-derived vitamin D is one of the most powerful nutrients the body uses, protecting you from Type I diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and some of the most deadly internal ool F. Hotick, eRMDfend Merk Jenkin cancers. * Not getting enough vitamin D can cause rickets in children and puts adults at risk of osteoporosis and osteomalacia, a disease that is often ignored or, worse, misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or myocitis. * More than 120 peer-reviewed medical studies show moderate exposure to either natural or artificial UV light will satisfy the body’s vitamin D requirement without significantly damaging the skin. The Holick Formula for Safe Sun and the doctor’s Safe Sun Tables can help you calculate appropriate sun exposure time anywhere on the globe, any time of the year, for all skin types. Dr. Michael Holick is the author of The UV Advantage, in which he provides simple guidelines to help you determine the amount of sun exposure you should get. Factors include skin type, where you live, the time of year and the time of day that you spend in the sun. For people who don’t have the opportunity to be outside during the day, indoor tanning facilities can represent a Ultra-violet rays are considered the best source of vitamin D. viable alternative to natural sunshine for stimulating the production of vitamin D. By following Dr. Holick’s advice to get a moderate amount of natural or artificial UV light you can: * Improve your bone health and prevent osteoporosis, osteomalacia andrickets. * Enhance your mental health and lessen symptomsof seasonal affective disorder, premenstrual syndrome and depression. * Reduce risk of heart disease, stroke, and breast, colon, prostate and other cancers. * Alleviate skin disorders. * Decrease yourrisk of autoimmunedisorders including multiple sclerosis, Type I diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Holick, a professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics at the Boston University School of Medicine, is considered the nation’s foremost authority on vitamin D. The UV Advantage is available in bookstores.