Satisfying New Soy Cookie From Japan


Satisfying New Soy Cookie From Japan (NAPSA)—Here’s sweet news: you maybe able to eat cookies for lunch or dinnerand lose weight. That’s the idea behind a line of cookies created by a chef in Japan from a special kind of soy fiber. Called “okara,” it absorbs a very high amount of liquid, so that wheneaten, it gives you a very full feeling for a long time. Okara itself is very bland, so it can be added to a variety of other foods without changing their flavor. Also, unlike other dietary fiber, okara is an excellent source of high-quality protein andit’s loaded with many other essential nutrients, including a healthy dose of calcium, iron, potassium and sele- nium, as well as many other vitamins and minerals. The cookies also offer a nicely crunchy texture and the flavor of whole wheatflour. The high-fiber, low-calorie cookie, in plain, chocolate and sesameflavors, fills you up so you don’t eat as much. It’s important to drink plenty of liquid when you eat the cookies. For the soy fiber to expand properly, at least two glasses are recommended. Feeling full is an important part of weight-loss success. Called The Soypal Cookie Diet Program and available through Kenkou USA, it’s already sold more than 25 million cookie meals and is the No.1 diet product in Japan. Here are a few more tips to Delicious cookies that contain soy fiber can help you feel full andsatisfied. help you win at losing weight: For the rest of your meals, emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts. * Don’t forget physical activity. Start slowly and gradually increase the intensity. Start with a 10-minute walk three times a week and work your way up to 30 minutes of brisk walking or other form of moderate activity five times a week, suggest the experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. * Don’t go it alone. Ask for support toward your weight-loss goals from friends and family. You can learn more at and (888) 769-6569.