Seeking Parenthood


trends Seeking Parenthood au (NAPSA)—A new treatment offers hope to prospective parents who are having trouble conceiving. Many of whom wonder: “What will I go through?” “Will it work?” “Where do I start?” There are new options for people who need help getting to be parents. Thefirst step is to speak with a fertility specialist—a reproductive endocrinologist—to discuss options. Ask about any new treatments, such as Menopur (menotropinsfor injection, USP). In a clinical study, this medication improved chances of pregnancy. The medication was also proven to result in fewer injection site reactions than a similar prod- uct. It stimulates the development of multiple eggs in women who undergoin vitro fertilization. Only physicians thoroughly familiar with infertility treatment should prescribe this medication. Like all gonadotropins, it is a potent substance capable of causing mild to severe adverse reactions in women undergoing therapy for infertility. For more information and full prescribing information, visit