Space-Age Technology Improves Laser Eye Surgery


(NAPSA)—Laservision correction surgery, or LASIK,is in its eeBTIFles second decade of helping people eliminate or reduce their dependency on glasses and contact lenses. Now, for the 55 million Americans who might benefit from the surgery, space-age tech- nology comes down to Earth to help. The LADARVision system is used by surgeons worldwide to perform laser vision correction. Its development was based on technol- ogy originally created by NASA. For its innovative use of this technology, LADARVision was recently inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame and received the prestigious Certified Space Tech- Ce SChno Loe 1 APVA RVISIONY LYALA/AINV Il Systegn) by NASA to assist spacecraft in delicate rendezvous and docking procedures, to track eye movements at a rate of 4,000 times per second—15 times faster than any other system. LADARVision, approved by the FDA in 1998, is the only laser eye surgery system that uses this innovative laser tracking technology. As with any medical procedure, nology™ seal. It is the only laser eye surgery system in the world to there are risks involved with LASIK and not everyone is a good Oureyes are always in motion, moving up to 50 times per second, even during laser eye surgery. Accurate tracking of eye movements during laser eye surgery is a critical aspect of this eye doctor can discuss the risks receive such honors. delicate procedure. This unique laser eye surgery system uses technology, originally developed candidate for the procedure. Your and benefits associated with LASIK, and help you determineif you are a good candidate for the procedure. To learn more about LASIK and to find a doctor in your area using the LADARVision system, go to