Strawberries And Honey Make A Great Pair


Strawberries And Honey MakeA GreatPair (APSA.Baten autof hand aeSaney a anach ar eweslened with ae 2 davosrl, slrawberice an brighien meals andBeider add = Saathy daneof rulrlin. aig deliiou,sirauberrier ares source af vitamin , ber goedantvaridarte Se ‘Like strawberries, hansy can diet part in srichhealthy = prides play Frnay svatfavor Bed ks natural source af sla thine, andandapitidanis FEGlare awallminerie Srauniay sitJost per bly Honey Strauberry Chiflon that Poe ea surprisicly Teil Semel Sumbings therichness fesh lasteaf ofrl Sith the honey. Honey'sdistincfavor shinee Tough apd jou may besurpried te'taen (hal thors are 800inlor Spl vavielice ef hanay. theHe iyusd Stalerstong, och with ‘en dstinel Rava Theywhile naesagein (Bloc from pale lmant Ia the extremely dark back wheal the favors srjue 2 wed Sinale varital honeys raul from anay beer gathering nectar from the same (ype af flowers Author and Haney eaper,aul Gone plan, Tovar tr search leat Yaneys al mere mariats. She twrles thal foams af my voles Ie The work aferlitnn produc Seemasuppliers win farves! Snip in zpecifoaly denigeated Stabe Spd singleower sho to thisanrcp ParIacus Foeya Grmende an orange blsazon bul why nol ley experl~ Taney, mmenling few varicias to Find"Foryourmarewitha vail recipes and informa =~ lion the many and Iypeeonafhoney vii sources the National Honey Bosede Web. ele al aathonsycor ‘yeufaking forthesome great drink rapes, order National Batra new Faney bever= Haney ge TealSend aoladdenvelope rowed, Bbrgped, busineartand tg: National Haney,Street, Board-Dept Lora” 330 Lashley BL, rroni, COBGS01 HONEY STRAWEERRY ‘CHIFFONPTE 2 eupe eaamely (12025 chapped strawberdeg w1 cuphaney,divided envelope unflavered 1 ele euplight soureream Preparedinch erumb Tn amall bow], combine struwterdenand' euphancys Sprinkle gelatinUminute: overcold Seaterlet atand Sueie Geerlow heat until gelatin ‘Shmelveds wileTransfer in remmaining feup hones: to large Bowl; aticrelrigerate in wour 20cream Cover and te 30 minutes ar until misture mounds on aelectric apoan mixer when ted: Using Wat mistureat medium apeed nul Tight. Feld fn atrawoe ow misinteuntilprepared well cembined. Pour crust. Cover and refrigerate at leant Bhaure: Makes Secrvings Nutrition information per serving: calorier 295 foal fot Ege helesterot 78 mgs oda 20 mgr total carbabyrate 32 be dinlary bey?orgeorateln Tip Freah whale unswerlened frasen abeawhervion may be uaed,before Thaw corbin fresen Grdwbection Ing with hanes.