Study Shows Advanced Age And Residence In Nursing Home Need Not Be Barriers To Treating Alzheimer's Patients


Study Shows Advanced Age And Residence In Nursing Home Need Not Be Barriers To Treating Alzheimer’s Patients (NAPSA)—Elderly nursing home residents have been thought to be beyond the reach of treatment for cognitive impairments associ- ated with Alzheimer’s disease. Study results published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS), however, indicate that nursing home residents with Alzheimer’s disease may benefit from treatment with ARICEPT (donepezil hydrochloride tablets). This six-month multicenter study examined 208 nursing homepatients with possible or probable Alzheimer’s disease to determinetheeffectiveness, safety and tolerability of ARICEPT treatment. ARICEPT is a clinically proven, once-a-day prescription medication that treats mild to moderate dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease. Clinically validated measures of behavior, cognition and global function were used to evaluate patients. On average, patients in the study had moderate Alzheimer’s disease. The study found that ARICEPT maintained or im- proved cognition and global function compared with placebo (a sugar pill) and was generally well tolerated in this population despite advanced average patient age of about 85 and high use of other medications such as antidepressants and antipsychotics. Both ArRICEPT and placebo-treated groups showed an improvement in behavior but were not significantly different. “Thesefindingsoffer patients, their families and the medical community proof that Alzheimer’s disease can beeffectively treated and managed in the nursing homesetting,” said Pierre N. Tariot, MD, study investigator and professor of psychiatry, University of Rochester (New York) School of Medicine. Dr. Tariot indicated that the effectiveness of ARICEPT in improving cognition and global 10 WARNING SIGNS Individuals exhibiting one or moreofthe following early warning signsthat increasingly affect everydaylife should be examined by a physician to determine the cause and,if necessary, begin treatment: * Memory loss that affects job skills Problems with abstract thinking Difficulty performing familiar tasks * Misplacing things * Changesin mood or behavior Problemswith language Disorientation fo time and place Changesin personality Loss ofinitiative @ Pooror decreased judgment function in nursing home patients wassimilar to previously reported results in studies of outpatients with mild to moderate dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease. “In demonstrating that age or residence in a nursing home are not barriers to treatment for Alzheimer’s, this study emphasizes the need to raise awareness among nursing homestaff of the disease and its symptoms,” explained Dr. Tariot. “It is important not to dismiss memory problems asjust ‘normal aging.’ Recognizing symptoms of dementia and getting an early diagnosis give patients a greater chance of benefiting from medical interventions, including treatment with mediciations such as ARICEPT.” Weight loss, abdominal pain, nau- sea, tremor and muscle weakness were reported more frequently in ARICEPT-treated patients. The occurrence of bradycardia (slow heartbeat) was similar for the two treatment groups. Adverse events were generally mild in intensity, transient and similar to those reported previously in outpatient studies. Information About Aricept (donepezil hydrochloride tablets) Treatment While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, medical treat- ments are available to manage symptomsof the disease. In a progressively degenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s, improvement, stabilization or a less-thanexpected decline over timeis considered a positive response to treatment. These types of responses have been observed in patients treated with ARICEPT in clinicaltrials. Individual responses to treatment may vary. ARICEPT is well tolerated but may not be for everyone. Some people may experience nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, vomiting, muscle cramps, fatigue, or loss of appetite. In studies, these side effects were usually mild and temporary. Some people taking ArICEPT may experience fainting. People at risk for ulcers should tell their doctors because their condition may get worse. To date, more than 1.7 million people in the United States have received a prescription for ARICEPT, contributing to a total of 450 million days of patient use worldwide. It is estimated that one in ten individuals older than age 65 has Alzheimer’s disease. Approximately 4 million Americans are thought to have the disease; by the year 2050, it is estimated that nearly 14 million Americans will suffer from Alzheimer’s. For more information about managing Alzheimer’s disease and about ARICEPT, call the Eisai Inc.and Pfizer Inc.-sponsored toll-free number, (888) 999-9616, or see