Taking On Home Renovations


Taking On Home Renovations (NAPSA)—Tackling a major home improvement project can seem like less of a chore if you fol- ‘ ' Ten Tips For Tiling Floors Step 1: Measure areato determine how much low a few tips. First, if you plan to hire a little tile you will need. To ensure that you have enough tofinish the job, add on an additional Get estimates from a few contrac- Step 2: If laying tile on concrete or wood, outside help, do some homework. tors and mane sure the1bonded you fre 1s Maly Insured, donde angeansupply Ovenplan your project wisely. Start by listing materials that you’ll need and__| give yourself a concrete time frame in which to complete the job. Next, take a tool inventory. If 15 percentof tile. ensure thesurfaceis even or level by using a self-leveling compound. Step 3: Use hackerhoard sheets when laying files over wood or uneven surfaces. Step 4:Find yourcenter point and snap chalk lines to create your perpendicular starting point. Step 5: Spread adhesive bypressing the mortar into the backerboard or cement with a you're short on tools, you could trowel atthe appropriate angle. Combit out ing what you need, rather than buyingit. You can renttools for a day, the 45-degree angle to the floor and pushing the : trowel teeth into the floor. finish the project. For example, The Home Depot Tool Rental Center, which is located in more than 1,175 locations around the coun- omits back. Dry areas mean the mortar needs to be scraped and reapplied. Set the remaining files by butting edge against edge. Place spacers onendsso you can easily remove them. to 325 different types of tools to complete most any type of project. The center also provides hands-on training on most rental equip- tile saw. save yourself a little cash by rent- weekend or as long as it takes to try, provides homeowners with up ment, as well as list of tips on most frequently rented tools. into straightlines, holding a trowel at a Step 6: Liftthe first tile and check the mortar Step 7: Cut tile as needed,using a tile cutter or Step 8: Mix the grout and spread it in . ith rub t float. P Sweeping arcs wi a rubber grout float. Press the groutinto joints, filling them completely. Remove the excess. Just remember that when operating rented equipment and tools, it’s crucial to make sure all Step 9: Wipe the tiles with a damp sponge to removeexcess residue and removethe haze immediately with a dry cloth. properly worn, including recom- twice q day and apply tile and grout cleaner safety gear and equipment is mended gloves, safety glasses and earprotection. nformation. visit homedepot.com orcall (800) 430. 3376. Step 10: Damp cure the grout by misting it with a sponge Note:Tile cutters and tile saws can be rented at The Home Depot Tool Rental Centers. @