The Many Faces Of Eczema


(NAPSA)—For the first time in 40 years, newtreatment options are on the horizon for the more than 15 million American adults and children who suffer from atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema. Atopic dermatitis is a very common, inherited condition that causes inflamed skin(rash) that is extremely itchy and sometimes disfiguring. More than 90 percent of people diagnosed develop symptoms before the age of five. Eezema can significantly impact quality oflife, especially for children, making them feel “different” and left out. Theyoften feel ernbarrassed or self-conscious of their rash, and can experience disrupted sleep due te discomfort. It may even affect school performance. And, patients aren’t the only ones who suffer, often their family members and caregivers will also experience ernotional and physical distress. In fact, studies show that 85 percent of mothers of children with eczema experience maternal distress. A National Art Contest for Young Kezema Patients To encourage young patients to express, through art, how eczema has personally affected their lives, the Many Faces of Eezema Children’s Art Contest was created. A spokesperson for Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, which founded the contest, said that through the children’s drawings the company hopes to show that eczerma is more than a physieal disease or “just a rash,” but also an emotional condition that affects the whale person. A national art contest for young patients with eczema will help give youngsters a “voice” in expressing the impact of this condition on their lives. One grand prize winner, one second prize winner and 10 third prize winners will he selected from each of the three age categories: ages four years old to six years old; ages seven years old to nine years old; and ages 10 years old to 12 years old. Children who suffer from eczema are invited to express through art how this skin condition makes them feel and/or how it has affected their life. Grand prize winners will receive a $500 gift certificate te GAP/GAP Kids. Second prize winners will receive a $250 gift certificate to Toys “R” Us and third prize winners will receive a $50 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble. Entry forms and rules for the contest can be obtained by calling 1-800-765-3565 or by logging onto The contest ends Novermber 1, 2601.