Tips For Keeping Your Birds Healthy


Tips for Keeping Your Birds Healthy Biosecurity For The Birds (NAPSA)—Manypoultry diseases are highly contagious and can spread from bird to bird quickly with devastating results. For example, in 2003, in the western United States, tens of thousands of birds, including backyard flocks and pet birds, were wiped out by exotic Newcastle disease (END). Because of this, the U.S. Departmentof Agriculture (USDA) is asking poultry and bird owners to practice good “biosecurity” with their birds. Biosecurity means taking the steps necessary to prevent the spread of disease among livestock and pets. USDAis asking bird owners, whether they own backyard chickens or exotic birds, to follow somebasic steps to ensure that disease does not spread to their birds. There are three main steps to follow: 1) Restrict traffic onto and off your property; disinfect shoes and clothes and thoroughly wash your hands to prevent the spread of disease; and don’t borrow tools or equipment without completely disinfecting them. 2) know the signs of disease, such as odd behavior or sudden death of flock members. 3) If you suspect anything is wrong, report sick birds to your veterinarian, cooperative extension office or to USDAveterinarian by calling 1-866-536-7593. A first step could be to clip this handy guide to biosecurity and post it near your birds. You can also visit the biosecurity Web site for more information ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I You are the best protection your birds have. BIOSECURITY AGES : : : 1 Practice Biosecurity ; 1 1 | e Wash hands— everyone near your birds should Os = ) wash their hands before and after leaving thebirds. 1 Limit contact with other birds 1 and poultry owners andtheir | tools and property 1 cages, equipmentafter every 1 Disinfect your cars and trucks, | bird event I I I Look I Look for unusual I behavior in your I I I I I I I I I I I flock or sudden deaths of one or morebirds. Report Don't be afraid to report any I suspicious I I signs to your vetI erinarian, cooperative extenI I sion office or call the USDA I I I I Veterinary Servicesoffice at 1-866-536-7593.