Tips To Help Dieters Join The Party


by Jorge Cruise (NAPSA)—A good diet strategy should cut calories, not fun. But many dieters skip out on parties and cookouts to avoid the fattening fare that might be served. The good newsis that there are plenty of ways to have your cake and eat it, too. You can go to social events and you can make smart food choices while there. Try these tips: Cook Out Calories If barbecues conjure images of cheeseburgers and butter-drizzled corn, change the dial to avert a diet disaster. Instead, select one of these leaner andlighter options: * 1 hamburger with 4 bun and pasta salad 3 ribs, corn and green salad with low-fat dressing Grilled chicken without skin, grilled veggies and fruit salad * Reduced-fat hot dog, green salad with a squeeze of lemon and a small roll Turkey burger (patty only), French fries and a Caesar salad with lemonfor dressing. Also, consider bringing your owntasty, healthy dish that showcases some of the season’s fresh produce. Internet sites such as AOL Food offer a great selection of eat-smart recipes. Wedding Weight While the happy couple says “I do,” you can say “I won’t” when it comes to overeating at wedding receptions. Consider these alternatives to fattening weddingfare: Fish, rice and vegetables Chicken, pasta and salad Scallops with broccoli salad Omelet with spinach, tomatoes and potatoes Fun Food—Going to a party doesn’t need to mean breaking your diet. The key is to make smart food choices. Sliced roast beef, potato and green salad. Party Pounds Banish the baked Brie and pass on the pat at the next cocktail party. Try these alternatives: * Bruschetta Fresh veggies and low-cal dip Grilled chicken skewers Sushi Turkey wrap rolls Shrimp with cocktail sauce Cheese and crackers Miniquiche. Don’t forget to hydrate during all those ftes and feasts. Not only does your body need at least eight glasses of water a day, but drinking water will actually make you feel more full. For more information, visit or AOL Keyword: Diet. Mr. Cruise is the author of the “3-Hour Diet” book. He also serves as AOL’s Better Life Diet Coach and is dedicated to offering members advice, encouragement and exercise moves to help keep them healthy and fit.