Top Learning Method


by Andrea Pastorok, Ph.D. (NAPSA)—Oneof the world’s top supplemental education methods focuses on independent learning, teaching children the fundamentals of math and reading so that they obtain a mastery of core skills. These skills provide the foundation to master more com- plex math and read/ing found in higher gradelevels. To begin, students are given a Dr. Pastoro , Placement test to determine the starting level that is best suited for them. Starting points are not based on ageor grade level, but on individualability. By starting with work that is comfortable, students experience success immediately with the Kumon Method, and havea positive first reaction to the program. This helps children establish a daily study routine, helps strengthen basic skills and helps develop students’ concentration. The Kumon philosophy is based on an independent, or selflearning approach. This “learn by doing” concept enables a child to determine answers on his/her own, building confidence along the way. Located in 44 countries around the world and with an enrollment of three million students, Kumon Math and Reading Centers offer the premier, after-school supplemental educational program. From pre-school to high school, the program empowers students to reach their full potential by helping them master, step-bystep, the fundamental skills and knowledge they need for success in higher-level math and reading comprehension. To learn more, visit the Web site at Dr. Andrea Pastorok is the education specialist for Kumon North America.