Wall Art At Your Whim


Wall Art At Your Whim (NAPSA)—Onedayit’s stripes, the next dayit’s dots. If every day inspires you to try out a new home-decorating trend, there’s a new product madejust for you. It’s WallPops, a wall art that comes in the shape of dots, blocks and stripes that you can mix and match. The part that makes this product endearing to anyone who welcomes changeis that you can put it up and removeit just as easily. ( ae. “Apeeling” Wall Art: For a winning new look, consider decorating your walls with alternating colors and designs like Totally Orange, Flirt and Lots of Dots, Blox, Dots and Stripes. Madeofflexible vinyl material, WallPops, from Brewster Wallcovering Company, work by simply removing the backing and placing the wall art on the wall. WallPops wall art features fun and exciting colors and graphics including 13-inch dots (Dots), squares (Blox) and continuous rolls of Stripes. Rotate the Blox and you have diamond shapes. With 12 colors and four design groups to choose from, designs can be as simple or as elaborate as you please. WallPops are available at Lowe’s stores nationwide. For more information, visit www. wall-pops.com or call (800) 366- 1700.