When It Comes To Youth, Research Reveals A Gap Between Adult Belief And Behavior


A Gap Between Adult Belief And Behavior (NAPS)—Americans feel youth should be the nation’s top priority. However, their actions suggest otherwise. Two recent surveys reveal a definite gap between what adults believe and their behavior. Whenasked whatthe nation’s highest priority should be, from five choices provided, 43% percent of adults ranked “preparing young people for the future” higher than improving healthcare (21%), keep- ing the economystrong (18%), reducing crime (12%) or protecting Nation's Highest Priority (Adults) ) 40% Youth ) 21% Healthcare Economy ) 12% the environment (7%), according to research conducted by the Gallup Organization for America’s Promise—TheAlliance for Youth. This is backed up by Grading Grown-Ups, a national report pub- lished by Lutheran Brotherhood and Search Institute, Minneapolis. The study reveals that a majority of adults believe they should be engaged in the lives of youth—pro- viding the relationships and support young people need to develop into confident, independent and successful adults. Yet, too few adults are acting on that belief. The Search study also shows that too many young people are not reaping the rewardsof positive adult engagement. In fact, a majority of 12- tol8-year-olds report they do not have sustained, intergenerational relationships; they are unknownin their neigh- borhoods; their schools are not warm places; and their communi- ties do not value them. But, there is an organization working to bridge this gap. America’s Promise—The Alliance for Youth is engaging millions of adults in the lives of youth, where they live, work and worship. “We need to transform our society. All Americans must pull their weight to ensure that all our children become children of promise,” said Marc Racicot, former governor ) 18% Crime ) 7% Environment ) 2% Other “Preparing young peoplefor the future” should be the nation’s highest priority say 40% of respondents — moreimportant than improving healthcare, the economy, reducing crime and the environment. 2001 Gallup Organization @ of Montana and chairman of America’s Promise. America’s Promise is helping the American public act on what it believes. With Colin L. Powell as its founding chairman, America’s Promise is mobilizing people from every sector of American life to build the character and compe- tence of youth by fulfilling Five Promises: caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, marketable skills and opportunities to serve. For more information about America’s Promise or how to become involved in your community visit www.americaspromise. org, AOL Keyword: America’s Promise or call 1-888-55-YOUTH.