Where To Check For Product Recalls


COSCCOVESISTGIVICCIISSISeIgage nternet ideas: BEEOeOeGGGeBGGGGEGEOG Where To Check For Product Recalls (NAPS)—Hundreds of wellknown products have been recalled recently, including backpacks, car seats and even St. John’s Wort capsules. Unfortunately, many people are unaware that they may own a recalled product. Cale Most consumersare at a loss on where to turn to find out if a product—from their child’s favorite toy to the family vacuum cleaner—has been recalled. “Surprisingly in the information age, many consumers don’t know whereto look for information on a topic that is important to them,” says Peter J. Plantes, M.D. So how does onefind accurate information on product recalls? One place is on the Internet. Be- cause safety is an important part of health, LaurusHealth.com has a voluminous product recall section. Included on the site are infant and child products, appliances, clothing, household and personal care products and sports/exercise equipment. For each product, the site includes: * a product description, often a color photograph; * the reason for the recall; * the manufacturer’s name; * where and whenit wassold; Whena productis recalled, it’s important for consumers to be able to find out why—and whatto do. A leading health Web site can help. the purchaseprice; and * where to return the product. For more information about product recalls, visit the Web site at www.LaurusHealth.com and go to Health News, where you'll find Product Safety Recalls. This site provides consumers with access to reliable, easy-to-understand health information that helps them make more informed choices about their health.