Why Protecting Your Getaway Is Good For Your Health


WhyProtecting Your Getaway Is Good For Your Health y/ (NAPSA)—Protecting your annual getaway can be good for your health. That’s why even in tough economic times, most Americans are not willing to give up their vacations. In a recent Travel Trends survey, 64.8 percent of respon- dents said vacations were “very important” and that they would rather give up nonessential material goods than part with their annual getaway. And as the U.S. Travel Association points out, 76 percent of Americans plan to book a packaged vacation in 2009. Elizabeth Scott, a stress man- agement expert, says travel has health benefits. “Vacations can keep us healthy, can help stave off burnout and promote creativity, and can strengthen our relationships,” said Scott. “The psychological benefits that come with more frequent vacations can even lead to increased quality of work on the job,” she added, citing a survey by the Arizona Department of Health and HumanServices. If fear of job loss or other unforeseen reasons make you hesitant to make an investment in a vacation, consider purchasing travel insurance. Access America, a leading travel insurance provider, recommends that travelers choose an insurance plan that not only protects their health and safety, but also offers coverage for unforeseen circumstances like the loss of a job. insurance to protect their invest- ment from job loss and other unforeseen reasons. For a relatively small invest- ment—about 5 percentof the total trip cost—travelers can protect their financial investment and travel with confidence and greater peace of mind. Travel agents can recommend the insurance policy that best suits each traveler’s needs, and many policies include protection for employer termination, as well as valuable coveragefor: e Emergency medical and dental e Emergency medical transportation e Supplier default Trip cancellation interruption or Missed connections or travel and baggage delays. For more information on travel insurance, talk to a travel agent or visit www.accessamerica.com.