Your Comfort Counts


(NAPSA)—One thing American women want is comfort. Almost nine out of ten say it’s a priority in their lives. In fact, four out of five chose comfort over power, fame or wealth when asked what matters most to them. According to Certified Life Coach Jennifer Louden, author of “Comfort Secrets for Busy Women”and other guides to comfort, “Finding easy ways to seek comfort is so important to women today because life has become more complex. Virtually all women—a whopping 94 percent— feel that they deserve to be comfortable, yet 41 percent don’t have time to makethat a reality.” Adds Louden, “The sense of touch plays a key role in being comfortable. Seventy-two percent of women associate comfort with touch and there is no fabric they link more to comfort than cotton. In fact, more than three-quarters of American womenchose it over any other fabric—whether that means snuggling under the sheets or wrapping up in a warm towel after a long bath.” Loudenalso offers these tips to help you get the comfort you need: Know yourself. Keep track of your thoughts in a journal. Write your dreams down on index cards and consult these things when you have decisions to make. Self-nurture is not selfish. What Comforts A Woman? Forty percent say peace of mindorbeing at ease are the best waysto describe comfort. Working womenare a third more likely to say financial security defines comfort than women who don’t work. Homemakersare nearly twice as likely to say that spending time with friends and family spells comfort for them than women who workoutside the home. @ It’s a way to strengthen yourself so you have the energy to create a life you love and makea difference in the world. * Incorporate comfort in unexpected ways. Great softness is everywhere, even in monthly protection like the new, softer Always pads, which helps provide both comfort and confidence—attributes that women can build their lives on. Practice mindful questioning. Pause, breathe deeply three times and ask yourself: “What do I really need right now?” Let yourself be cared for. You don’t have to do it all alone. Be open to support and encouragement from family, friends and others. You can learn more about women and comfort online at