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Health & Wellness

Vaccines Continue To Be Essential To Our Safety

By We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—After a few weeks without rain, most people don’t throw out their umbrella. Just because someone has driven thousands of … more
Health Alert

Vaccines Continue To Be Essential To Our Safety

By We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—After a few weeks without rain, most people don’t throw out their umbrella. Just because someone has driven thousands of … more
Health Bulletin

Vaccines Continue To Be Essential To Our Safety

By We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—After a few weeks without rain, most people don’t throw out their umbrella. Just because someone has driven thousands of … more
Health Awareness

Vaccines Continue To Be Essential To Our Safety

By We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—After a few weeks without rain, most people don’t throw out their umbrella. Just because someone has driven thousands of … more
Technology In Our Lives

FIRST Robotics Competition Builds Strong People, Not Just Robots

(NAPSI)—When people think about FIRST, they immediately think of high school robotics competitions. But for the 2.5 million students who have participated in FIRST programs worldwide … more

Three Tips To Help Seniors Kickstart A Spring Fitness Routine

(NAPSI)—Spring is here, and with it comes warmer weather, longer daylight hours, and for many, a desire to spring into new activities, including exercise. If you’re ready to kickstart a new … more

Get Your Ducts In A Row

(NAPSI)—Before you spring into action cleaning your home this season, you may want to consider a source of dirt you can’t see but do need to deal with: air ducts. Your home’s heating and … more
Travel Adventures

The Time To Indulge In The Perfect Safari Is Now

(NAPSI)—After these many months of sacrifice and seclusion, isn’t it time for a journey guaranteed to elevate the spirit and soothe the soul?  A luxury African safari is at the top of … more
Dental Health

Online Dental Myths: Sorting Fact From Fiction

(NAPSI)—Don’t be “myth-led”—there are a lot of hacks and rumors out there around oral health. Not all of them are helpful and some may even cause harm. Here’s a look at oral health fads … more
Eye On Health

Nine Questions To Ask Your Ophthalmologist

(NAPSI)—If you’re like most people, this is a familiar scene: You’re nearing the end of your appointment with your physician, and they ask, “Do you have any questions?” You want to take … more
Hints For Homeowners

The ABC’s Of 3D House Printing

(NAPSI)—It may sound futuristic but there are people today living in homes created by a 3-D printer—and you can too. A. What is 3D Printing 3D printing started out as a way to make design … more
Dental Health

Do You Know Your OQ? Time To Promote Your Healthier Future

(NAPSI)—The most common disease in the world is right under your nose—here’s what you can do. The Problem Right now nearly half the world’s population is suffering from oral diseases … more
Consumer Corner

Buy Now, Pay Later: Better Than Ever

(NAPSI)—You can get your car fixed today—and spread out payments over months or even up to a year. That’s because of the increasing popularity of the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) … more
Your Yard

Pointers On Purchasing A Zero-turn Mower

(NAPSI)—More time spent at home is prompting homeowners across America to improve their property’s curb appeal. With an increased focus on their yards, many individuals are looking to upgrade … more
Health Matters

You Can Help Save A Life

(NAPSI)—Being a hero and helping repair the world may be easier than many people realize. How? Become a blood stem cell or marrow donor, volunteer or a supporter.The ProblemEvery three minutes, … more
New York Health

Long COVID Upends Lives, Even In The Young And Healthy

by We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—Running was Rob Smith’s passion. He ran every day, ate healthy foods, and had good sleep habits. Because of his healthy … more
Health News And Notes

Long COVID Upends Lives, Even In The Young And Healthy

by We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—Running was Rob Smith’s passion. He ran every day, ate healthy foods, and had good sleep habits. Because of his healthy … more
Health Matters

Long COVID Upends Lives, Even In The Young And Healthy

by We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—Running was Rob Smith’s passion. He ran every day, ate healthy foods, and had good sleep habits. Because of his healthy … more
Health & Wellness News

Long COVID Upends Lives, Even In The Young And Healthy

by We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—Running was Rob Smith’s passion. He ran every day, ate healthy foods, and had good sleep habits. Because of his healthy … more
Health Bulletin

Long COVID Upends Lives, Even In The Young And Healthy

by We Can Do This COVID-19  Public Education Campaign (NAPSI)—Running was Rob Smith’s passion. He ran every day, ate healthy foods, and had good sleep habits. Because of his healthy … more
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