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STAMP news & notes

Postal Service Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act

(NAPSI)—The U.S. Postal Service will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) with the release of a new set of stamps on May 19. The stamps showcase photographs of 20 … more

New Study Estimates YouTube’s Impact on U.S. Economy and Culture

(NAPSI)—The next time you enjoy watching something on YouTube, you may care to consider there’s a lot more to the service than fun and learning. It’s an important part of our economy, too. … more
Newsworthy Trends

The ABCs of Reaching Gen Z: Ads, Brands, Connections

(NAPSI)—There are an estimated 68 million Americans in what’s known as Gen Z, or “Zoomers,” born between 1997 and 2012. They’re now flowing into the workforce and represent significant … more
Unsung Heroes

Celebrating America’s Nurses And Nurse Educators

(NAPSI)—They save, prolong and improve lives and help others learn to do so as well, but all too often nurses and nurse educators have been taken for granted, overworked and overlooked. Now, … more
Health News And Notes

Helping The South And West To Top-Quality Nurses

(NAPSI)—As nursing students graduate and move into jobs at hospitals and other medical care facilities, they find an increasing shortage of needed personnel.The ProblemIn fact, the Texas Department … more
Book News & Notes

Great Historical Fiction Can Illuminate Life Today

(NAPSI)—“If you want to know what happened, read history books. If you want to understand what happened, read historical fiction.”   In that spirit, to coincide with the 75th anniversary … more
Texas Topics

Protecting Your Child, Your State And Your Money From An Education Scheme

(NAPSI)—There’s a movement to take hundreds of millions of Texas taxpayer dollars and use it to limit the education available to millions of Texas students. It has nothing to do with school … more
Florida News & Notes

Something New For Florida Science Classrooms

(NAPSI)—For students to learn best, their resources need to be tailored to them. That means by both learning standards—such as the Florida learning standards—and by content that’s put into a … more
Business News And Notes

Fourth Generation Of Family-Owned Company, East Penn Manufacturing, Succeeds Because It Heeds Grandfather’s Words

(NAPSI)­—Family-owned businesses are the bedrock of the American economy, but keeping them going is no small feat.   An Inspirational Organization   One firm that’s defying the odds is … more
Texas Topics

Something New For Texas Science Classrooms

(NAPSI)—Education experts agree, the best way to engage students in science is to meet them where they are with digital resources. Digital resources for science education make learning fun and … more
Planning Your Retirement

Are You Eligible To Claim The IRS Saver’s Credit?

(NAPSI)—The IRS offers an incentive to lower your tax bill when you save for retirement. Many taxpayers may be eligible to claim the Saver’s Credit, but they may not know that it exists. Also … more
Technology In Our Lives

5G Home Internet: Powerful Enough For Your Home?

(NAPSI)—5G Home Internet is making waves when it comes to connectivity. And while the technology behind 5G is a great choice when it comes to mobile data and serving remote areas with limited … more
Education News & Notes

A Unique Approach To Funding Education

(NAPSI)—Here’s a clever secondary education idea you may be glad you learned: When graduates walk across the stage at a Texas State Technical College (TSTC) graduation ceremony, they do more than … more
Health Matters

Give Plasma. Save Lives.

(NAPSI)—As Alice Drennon entered her 50s, she started experiencing a lot of severe infections. After missing 122 days of work in one year and numerous medical visits and blood tests, she learned, … more
Managing Your Money

Ringing In The New Year With Financial Wellness

(NAPSI)—If you’re like many people, you make New Year’s resolutions. Whether you love or hate the tradition, studies show that one of the most popular resolutions is healthier living—followed … more
Holiday Trends

How To Support Veterans’ Families During The Holidays

(NAPSI)—While the holiday season is generally a time of joy and celebration, military families can often experience a very different range of emotions. Active service members and veterans returning … more
Small Business News & Notes

Rural Entrepreneurs Report Growing Economic Anxiety

  (NAPSI)—Rural small businesses face greater challenges to economic recovery and are less optimistic about the future compared to their non-rural counterparts, according to new survey data … more
Background On Business

Supporting Clarity In Health Plan Selection

(NAPSI)—While the open enrollment experience may be virtual, in-person, or a mix of both this year, it remains important that employers are prepared to help get employees and their families in the … more
Understanding Yourself

Password Rage—What It Is, How To Avoid It

(NAPSI)—If you’re like most people, a frustrating online password process has put you in a bad mood. In fact, according to a recent Aware survey, more than half of consumers report that having to … more
Business News And Notes

Disability:IN Celebrates Disability Employment Awareness with Tips on Building an Inclusive Workforce

(NAPSI)—Disability:IN, the global nonprofit driving disability inclusion in business, is bringing wider recognition that disability is a strength and competitive advantage to business.“Disability … more
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