307 results total, viewing 221 - 240

Did You Know?

(NAPSA)-Making a difference, saving lives, developing new skills, and being part of a close knit team are all reasons people become volunteer firefighters, said Steve Hirsch, volunteer firefighter … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSA)—“We come from all backgrounds and life experiences, but we’re all part of this extraordinary fire service family,” said Steve Hirsch, chair of the National Volunteer … more

Did You Know?

(NAPSA)—Doctors estimate more than a million Americans are at risk for a condition known as Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiomyopathy or ATTR-CM. One problem is it’s often misdiagnosed as … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—According to the American Association for Cancer Research, this year saw 27 new cancer treatments—the highest number ever; a record high number of cancer survivors—more than … more

Did You Know?

(NAPS)—When you’re looking to add some excitement and variety to your Keto routine, Lindsay Olives are the answer. Loaded with antioxidants, healthful fats and important phytonutrients, … more
Managing Your Money

Smart Ways To Save For Your Future

(NAPSI)—According to the Federal Reserve Board, four in 10 adults, if faced with an unexpected expense of $400, would either not be able to cover it or would cover it by selling something or … more
Be Car Care Aware

How To Identify Flood-Damaged Vehicles

(NAPSI)—Following record-setting rainfall in many areas of the country, flooding has taken its toll on vehicles. It's important for those considering buying a used vehicle to be car care aware … more
Insurance Matters

What To Do If You Lose Your Health Insurance

(NAPSI)—Losing your health insurance can be stressful and confusing as you explore the options for new coverage. To recover, it is important to understand all your options, their costs and … more
News Of Jobs

A Ticket To Work: Designed Just For You

(NAPSI)—As you may have discovered, looking for work is not a one-size-fits-all journey. That’s why the Ticket to Work (Ticket) program, Social Security’s national … more
Veterans News & Notes

Helping Veterans Fight The Battle Of The Budget

(NAPSI)—Being a warrior can be stressful enough, but for 62 percent of active-duty service members, veterans and military families, there’s added stress due to their financial situation, … more
News Of Jobs

Find Resources For Social Security Disability Beneficiaries Who Want To Work

(NAPSI)—When Laura set a goal of becoming a certified orthotist and prosthetist to help people who, like her, experienced limb loss, she was concerned that earning the income she would need to … more
Planning For Your Future

Uniformed Services Members: Protect Your Family With The Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program

(NAPSI)—The prospect of needing long term care may be far from your mind today, but be aware, circumstances can change. A long term care event can happen at any age, and the potential financial … more
Pointers For Parents

Raising Financially Successful Children

(NAPSI)—Good news for parents: You can help your kids learn to do well. Studies suggest a clear correlation between early education in money and future financial success. Financially … more
Hints For Homebuyers

Fastest Way To Shop For A Home? Snap It!

(NAPSI)—House-hunting can be a lot less stressful and complicated than many people realize. That’s because a powerful, free phone app, Homesnap, makes researching and discovering your dream … more
Education News

Understanding Your Choices

(NAPSI)—For many families, few things are more important than schooling—and an increasing number are taking it into their own hands. They’re welcoming the idea of more ways for … more
Newsworthy Trends

The American Dream All Over The World

(NAPSI)—Most people know someone who has dreamed of leaving the rigidity of a 9 to 5 job to pursue the flexibility of entrepreneurship. The majority don’t pursue that avenue, and the … more
College Planning

Six Steps Toward Higher Education

(NAPSI)—School vacations can be an excellent time for high school seniors and their parents to get a head start on the college application process—you can focus on finding the right … more
Education News & Notes

Facts On Fixing The Public Education System

(NAPSI)—Some parents will stop at nothing to provide the best opportunities for their children—as the recent college admissions scandal shows. Given that many of the parents involved are … more
Small Business News & Notes

How To Use Online Reviews To Invest In The Best Technology For Your Office

(NAPSI)—Anyone who’s in charge of purchasing technology for a small business knows there’s a bit of alchemy in the procurement process: You apply instinct. You ask your colleagues … more

Planning Your Retirement

(NAPSI)—When thinking about retirement, your main focus may center around not being a burden to your loved ones. In fact, 81% of middle-income Boomers have made at least one formal preparation … more
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