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746 results total, viewing 121 - 140

Reconnecting Families

Have you been separated from a loved one by war, conflict, migration, or a natural disaster? The Red Cross and Red Crescent may be able to help. As … more

Fabulous Fruit

The delicious taste and health benefits of fresh strawberries can be enjoyed year round when you select frozen strawberries. That’s because the berries … more

Be Car Care Aware

You may notice, when the weather turns colder, the tire pressure monitoring system light on your dashboard lights up more frequently. The Car Care … more

Be Car Care Aware

Simple preventative maintenance will go a long way toward protecting your investment in a new car. more

Changes To Product Labels

If you’re like most shoppers, you consult the nutrition facts panel on food packages before you buy them. To make it easier for you to use this information when making food choices, the U-S Food and Drug Administration has developed a new Nutrition Facts Label. more

Health Awareness

Here’s news that should help the more than sixteen million Americans with chronic respiratory diseases—such as C-O-P-D—breathe easier: more

Heart Health

More than eight million American adults have a condition called heart valve disease, or H-V-D. It can strain the heart and inhibits blood circulation. more

Word From Washington

The Right Rebate Act of 2018 would close a loophole in Medicaid that lets pharmaceutical manufacturers misclassify drugs and overcharge taxpayers by billions of dollars, says Jeffrey Lewis, the president and C-E-O of Legacy Health Endowment. more

Health And Well-Being

According to the National Institutes of Health, urinary incontinence affects five hundred million people around the world. more

Moving Ideas

When you’re moving to a new home, four hints can help make the move smoother. First, get at least three free, written, in-home estimates from moving companies. more

Speak To A Mortgage Lender

The housing market is heating up. The average home sits on the market for just a month before getting an offer. When time is precious, information is essential, so buyers need to be educated in case they need to decide quickly. more

Hints For The Home

During annual housecleaning, there’s one place even the most fastidious families can forget: heating and air-conditioning ducts. more

Check Engine Light Checklist

Helping Blinded Americans

News Of Older Americans

Planning For Retirement

A Marathon Effort

Tooth Topics

Pointers For Grandparents

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